Chapter 21: The Wedding Present

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It has been a few months since Chibiusa was born. It was finally the day that Usagi was getting married. She felt excited about outputting getting married to Goku. Even though, when she married, Goku was becoming a stepfather of Chibiusa.

As Usagi was ready, Bulma smiled at her as she was carrying Chibiusa in her arms. "Good luck, Usagi," she whispered as she pulled her into a hug. "I'll look after Chibiusa while you two are gone for a while."

"Thank you, Bulma," Usagi said.

Then the wedding started as Usagi walked down the aisle carrying the white flowers as Goku and the others stared at her in awe.

"You look amazing!" Goku excitedly said as Usagi approached him and stood beside him.

"Thank you, Goku," Usagi giggled as she blushed slightly. Then the ceremony started as Goku started with his vows, and she followed with hers. Then she and Goku exchanged rings.

"Do you, Goku Son, take Usagi Tsukino as your lawfully wedded wife?" Asked the priest while reading the holy bible book.

"Yep, I do," Goku said while smiling at her.

He continued, "And do you, Usagi Tsukino, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Usagi respond.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Then she and Goku leaned their faces and kissed their lips as the crowd cheered.

"This is your wedding present," Goku told her, making Usagi smile in excitement.


After the wedding, when they went on their honeymoon, they lay on the bed. Goku was on top of Usagi excitedly as they shared their love and passion after their wedding day when the two made love together on their honeymoon vacation.


One year later...

Usagi has given birth to her second born child, it was a boy and they named him Gohan, naming job after Goku's grandpa. Everyone are happy to meet Gohan, especially they were happy for Goku and Usagi

After a while, Chibiusa and Gohan got older until they ended up having plenty of more kids. Chibiusa became an elder half-sister to her half-siblings while she was an elder daughter of Goku and Usagi.

When a few years passed, one of the Sailor Guardians married four men and had a family, while Bulma and Yamcha got married and had a son.

While this was going on, Chichi tried to win Goku back after she had regretted everything, but there was no use because she knew that they already got married and got kids.

As for Mamoru, well... he finds out that Usagi had married Goku but is angry at her for not telling him that she was pregnant with his child this whole time. He thought she was Goku's, but she was his biological daughter. So Mamaru tried to win Usagi back and tried to apologize for what he did, but Usagi refused and didn't want him back because she was already married to Goku. He then tried to kidnap Chibiusa to get Usagi to come back to him, but he got arrested anyway. Yes, Gohan had called the police and told them what happened. Not only that, Mamoru was now rotting in prison for corruption and attempting to kidnap Chibiusa.

The reason why Chibiusa and Gohan are close is that they've been brothers and sisters ever since they were babies, even though she was a year older than him. But that didn't matter to them.

Lastly, Goku and Usagi had two sons and a daughter after Gohan was born. The third child was Chibi-Goku, as Usagi had promised Goku to name him, and the fourth child was Goten, who looked like Goku and Chibi-Goku. And the last child was a girl named Solace. They have plenty of kids here.

While raising their children, Goku trained one of his three sons how to fight, while Usagi trained Chibiuss and Solace how to be proper ladies. Eventually, she allowed Solace to train with her father and brothers while Chibiusa was learning how to be a proper lady. Solace was temperamental once in a while, but she was a good girl.

Usagi knew her dream had come true for what; she wanted to live in the lake house with her family. However, her dream did come true when it was her birthday present.

Not only was there a summer for Usagi to remember.

The End

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