19. Will you Marry me!

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Timeskip - 1 month...

Barry enters the cortex as always. He brought Coffee for both Cisco and Caitlin. He gives a quick kiss to Caitlin. Then he speaks with Cisco....

Barry: Hey Cisco! I need you to tell something...

Cisco: Shoot!

Barry: It's personal...

Caitlin rolls her eyes but didn't say anything. Then Cisco and Barry leave the Cortex.....

Cisco: What do you need to tell me Barry?

Barry: Well, tonight I will be proposing to Caitlin!

Cisco: Woah! Good luck buddy! But why did you needed me?

Barry: Can you cover me up with Caitlin! I need to go ring shopping!

Cisco: Ok! Choose the best ring!

Barry: Thanks Cisco!

Then Barry flashes away. Cisco enters the Cortex. Caitlin stares at him. And asks..

Caitlin: What did you guys wanted to talk to private?

Cisco: Dr.Snow, why would I say if it's private. And its a boys talk.

Caitlin: Is anything wrong with Barry!

Cisco: Don't worry Caitlin! It's just boys stuff.

Caitlin rolls her eyes. She didn't believe what Cisco said. She then decided to ask with Barry later.

Caitlin: Well, where did he go?

Cisco: He's just running around.

Caitlin: I tracked him. He's not running..

Then Barry enters the cortex...

Barry: Because I am here!

Caitlin: So, are you gonna tell me what's going on!

Barry: No nothings going on Cait!

Caitlin: Are you sure?

Barry: Positive!

Caitlin: Ok!

Barry: Cait! Let's go outside for dinner tonight!

Caitlin: Sure!

Then the alert goes off and Barry flashes away. It was just a normal robbery which was easy to stop!

Timeskip - 6pm

Caitlin: Hey guys, I will head to home! I need to get ready!

Cisco: Bye Caitlin!

Barry: I will pick you at 7pm!

Caitlin: Ok!

Caitlin left to her home. So, it was only Barry, Cisco and Kamila were in the cortex.

Cisco: So, are you ready Barry!

Barry: I am nervous.

Kamila: Hey! Don't worry. She will accept it. She will be happy.

Cisco: Yeah Barry. We 3 were friends for 10 years now. And I know how much she loves you! Now, go best of luck!

Barry: Thanks guys!

Barry then runs to his loft. He gets ready for the date and for the proposal. He the runs to Caitlin's apartment and knocks at the door. Then Caitlin opens the door. Barry eyes and mouth were wide open. She looked gorgeous. Barry eyes were fixed on Caitlin.

Caitlin: Barry! You alright?

Barry: Yeah...yeah! It's just you look so pretty and beautiful. I know both are almost same but still !

Caitlin: Thank you Barry. You look good too.

Then Barry and Caitlin went to the car. Barry drove the car.

Caitlin: So, where are we going?

Barry: An Italian restaurant. Downtown Central city!

Caitlin: Nice...

Barry: And I have another surprise!

Caitlin: What is it Barr!

Barry: Well, it's a surprise! You need to wait for that.

Then they reached the restaurant. They had a delicious dinner. Then Barry drove towards starlabs..

Caitlin: Is everything OK Barry! Why are we headed towards starlabs?

Barry: For the suprise Cait!

Caitlin: In starlabs?

Barry: Yeah!

Then they reached starlabs. They both entered the cortex. The cortex was decorated. Caitlin was shocked. Barry steps back a little bit and leans down and opens the ring box. Caitlin was still shocked seeing the decorations then she turns towards Barry...

Caitlin: Barr! What's going o.....

She turned to see Barry leaning down with a engagement ring. Her hands covered her mouth in shock. Small tears dripping from her eyes.

Barry: Cait! I have been waiting to ask you! Will you Marry me!

Caitlin: Yes!....yes! YES!

Then Barry slids the ring to Caitlin's finger. Then they shared a passionate kiss. And they were interrupted....

Kamila and Cisco: Congrats Snowbarry!

Joe: Congratulations Kids! I am happy for you two!

Cecile: Congrats both of you!

Wally: Congratulations Barry and Caitlin!

Then everyone hugged Barry and Caitlin. Everyone was happy after a long time. Everyone went to their houses. Barry and Caitlin were at the cortex...

Barry: Well, I wanted to ask you something.

Caitlin: What is it ?

Barry: Will you move in. To my place!

Caitlin: Yeah sure! Let's go!

Them they both head to Barry's loft had a small make-out session and were tired. So they directly went to bed. They cuddled and Caitlin Whispers

Caitlin: Good night Love!

Barry: Good night future wifey!

(Author: Sorry for the late update! I was on a break! I needed some time off. Coming back to the story, there will be 1 more chapter and it'll be the end for this story. So, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I will start writing a new story soon. It will be based on season 1. So, season 1 fans get ready to read it.)

Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️.....

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