Silent Night

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After that whole scene, I.E Crescent just left, he didn't wanna be at this stupid party anyways. I.E Merciless calm down and walked to another room.

After a bit, the party turn back to normal.

Another Mecriless went up to I.E!Merciless, he looked like the og but more dirty, and seemed very sleep deprived. LIKE VERY.

Lore!Merciless:"hey, your the guy who got into a fight and killed his brother? Right?"

I.E!Merciless:"? Yes. What do you want?"

Lore!Merciless:"well just wanna know if your doing ok."

I.E!Merciless:" I guess I'm not doing well.

Lore!Merciless:"ok let's cut through this polite BS. I don't care. How your doing. I saw everything. And listen here. My brothers mean the world to me. And so it should be to you to. Apperocate and love your brothers. Cause once their gone. Their gone."


Lore!Merciless then sighed and walked away and headed to sleep, I mean, this place was meant to be stress free, maybe he can get a nap in?

With everyone else it seemed to be normal, untill, Ghost!Crescent tried to find. I.E, but he couldn't. So he went to his friends, Happy!Angst and Creator!Merciless

Ghost!Crescent:"hey guys, have you seen I.E me?

Creator Merciless:"huh? Oh..I think he left"

Ghost!Crescent:"?! He left?! Why?! When did he leave?!"

Happy!Angst:"a little after the fight happened"

Ghost!Crescent:"! Fight?! What fight?!"

Creator!Merciless:"you really need to be more present Cres, and I.E Merciless..apparently killed his after the whole scene I think, his remaining brother left"

Ghost!Crescent:"! He..he killed his angst? But..Crescent! Other me! Is he okay?! Where did he go!?"

Creator!Merciless:"i..I'm not sure..we should probably find them."

Sya no more, Ghost!Crescent disappeared and went on the look.

Creator!Merciless:"..maybe this party was a bad idea.."

Happy!Angst:"..hey it'll be okay, this party is fun for the most part! Don't focus on the one bad thing"

Happy!Angst said with a smile, it did make Creator!Merciless feel better.


I.E!Crescent was under a tree In the forest, it was pretty far from the location of the party.

Suddenly the wind and leaves, blowed, making a small gust of fresh air rushing towards I.E!Crescent.
But he quickly figured it out. Wasn't the first time this clown tried this shit.

I.E!Crescent:"spirit? That you?"

Ghost!Crescent then appeared with a small smile, it seemed to be a way to comfort him.

Ghost!Crescent:"names Ghost you, but I'll take the are you feeling?"


Ghost!Crescent:"...not a speaker? Look, you can talk to me..-"

I.E!Crescent:"about what?. How this stupid party is reminder of why I even exists?."

Ghost!Crescent:"! Huh?"

I.E!Crescent:"the only reason I'm here is to gather intell. When me and Merciless got these stupid invitations, we weren't gonna go but. father. Made us. And we have to come back with info. "

Ghost!Crescent:"..but..aren't you gonna atleast..enjoy yourself? Your only like..17? Why waste your life away..?"

I.E!Crescent:"why are you acting like I have a choice?. I don't. It's not fun. It's just business."

Ghost!Crescent:"but your a kid!-"

I.E!Crescent:"look. Ghost. You may be dead and probably lived for a few decades. idk. But this is my life. And it doesn't even feel like it. So shut up and disappear.

Ghost!Crescent:"..your right. It is your life, I can't tell you how to live it, but I can tell you how I lived it.."

I.E!Crescent:"? Huh?"

Ghost!Crescent:" my au..wasn't like most..while most are just fathers, and their teammates fighting the stars..mine was a cult. We had to do everything the same, I had no choice. My whole life was dictated since I was born..every choice I made..but I never let that stop me..if I had even the smallest freedom..I took it..playing a small game with merciless? I did it. Pick some flowers outside even if it was for 5 minutes? I did it. And all that lead to me wanting more so..i..I tried to escape..only for me to be caught and.."

I.E!Crescent:"let me guess. Father killed you?."

Ghost!Crescent:"..he tortured me but..Angst. was the one who did the final blow."

I.E!Crescent:"!- Angst?!"

Ghost!Crescent nodded sadly.

Ghost!Crescent:"even when all that happened..I forgave them..because..Angst in the end, just wasn't raised in the correct environment...none of us were..and. now..I cant go back anymore..I'm stuck..never seeing Merciless, Pj, my friends, they don't even know I'm a ghost, Angst is living oblivious to how bad what he did to me was! I-i can't! I wanna go back!"

I.E!Crescent was in silence..why would he wanna go back? His au seemed horrible. Heck. He got what he wanted to! Freedom!


Ghost!Crescent:"..s-sorry..I- I rambled..but that's why I keep bother seem unhappy at the party, I figure if I..talked to you, you might have some fun, atleast socializing, the aus of the multiverse is a huge place, every au you can think of exists, but you never got an opportunity like take the chance.."

Ghost!Crescent than got up and held his translucent hand to I.E!Crescent.

Ghost!Crescent:"what do ya say? Wanna head back? Enjoy this moment?"


Christmas Party AU Killermare ship children edition Where stories live. Discover now