ch 2

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Marriage  hall is almost empty only few guest .
Namjin talking with mrs Kim and mr kim then namjoon notice a girl on the corner table .she has sharp face feather .she doing the high ponytail which make his eyes more siren .she is drinking wine .
Its not his guest .so he thought maybe its mr Kim guest .but he ignore and then they also done talking with kim couple and drove to there without notice the  devilish smirk on this girl face .

Taekook reach home  .jungkook see tae is in deep slumber so his heart cant agree to wake him up.
So he carry Tae  in bridal style  .he go upstairs where is room . he open door with feet ,  then he reach to bed and place the Tae on bed softly .

He stand straight , he stair at Tae with adoration  but slowly slowly his exprision chance his smile turn in smirk . he clench his fist and veins popup from his hand and forehead and he look at Tae with dark eyes and gritted his teeth.

Tae deep slumber break when he listen phone ring.
While half sleeping he take out his phone from pocket .
But he curse under his breath when he see iys random company call.
He sit up and rub his eyes and then he remember oh its his wedding night .
Then he see jungkook come out from bathroom only towel around his waist .and bulky body full on display and left arm is full with tattoos  and stop at chest and there is jjk tattoo on his right chest .
And water dripped from his hairs . jungkook smirk when he see Tae star at me .he walk to closet and  to take sleepwear .
And internally slap him self how prevent he is like how he stare at jungkook body .yeah indeed jungkook  is his  husband but he don't want to anything firstly he want to complete his studies then whatever 🌚
Go and take shower you must be tired jungkook said and find his nightwear.
Tae just nodded and go to bathroom for shower . along with his dress
Jungkook turn his face to bathroom and look at vanished figure of taehyung with devilish smirk on lips.

Mature content .
If u are not comfortable skip it.

Smut ahead👇

After twenty min Tae cone out from bath room .he is wearing a white shirt which reach his thighs and shorts which edge is shown behind the shirt .
Light is off and only moon light come in room through balcony door.
He see jungkook is standing in balcony he is with black nigjtdress.
He go and stand beside him .
Jungkook throw a glance at Tae .
He completely turn to Tae and pull him by his waist .
A guspe  left from Tae lips
Tae hand landed on his hard chest . before he speak something jungkook crash is lips on Tae  .Tae widen his eyes its his first kiss.
He slowly slowly melt in jk kiss and kiss back to jk .
Its not sloppy its gentle  , smooth and warm jk lips are so soft for Tae .
Tae little hissed when jk bite his lips  and jk enter his tongue in and explore the whole warm carven of Tae .
Without breaking kiss  they go to bed .and then Tae feel soft mattress behind his back and jk hover over him.
jk break kiss and look at Tae who is breathing heavily and bottom lips is little swallow and shine under the moon light because of saliva on it.
This scene is sinful go jk .he again attach his lips he kiss for a while then he kiss Tae cheeks jaw and then his neck he plant a hickey on neck in which Tae moan  and melt in his husband soft touches
Tae moans is like music for jungkook .before he go further .Tae stop him by lightly push him from chest he slide upward and sit straight .
Jk also sit infront of him .
Baby what happen he ask to Tae ho look at his lap .
Jungkook I don't want it right now plz wait little more firstly I have to finish my studies . he still look at his lap and make imaginary line on it he don't want to disappoint his husband but he also don't want this .
He look up when jungkook say .
So why u marry me then? he look at jk who look at bed and anger is visible on his face and his he make fist .
Huh Tae frown his eye brows on the  jungkook weired question .
I say why you marry me if you don't want to s*x with me jk say and directly look at Tae with his blood shot .
Tae scared and also confused on jk he because jk don't talk to him like this .
But he answer jk.
Jungkook I don't want  it I need time I firstly want to complete my studies and secondly  I don't want after few months of marriageI get pregnant . and get up from .
And you also say that u all......
Tae word cut when jk pull him from behind on bed harshly .
Tae bounce on bed .
Jungkook what is this  yar say and try to up .
Jk is fast he hover over Tae and start kissing Tae hungerly Tae try to push jk but he pin his hand above his head .
Its very harsh kiss .
Jk knees on the both side of Tae waist and with one hand he pin his hand and with other hand he gripe on tae nape .
Tae try to move when he feel lack of oxygen .
He move his leg jk break kiss and the string of saliva is still connect to there lips.
Tae bottom lips is bleeding and tears are fall from his eyes to the side of his head .
He cant expect that jk force him like that .
Jk start giving him wet kiss  and hickeys on neck to his collarbone  and Tae just try to push jk and beg him to leave him .
Jk rip Tae all cloth .
And make dark purple hickies allover his body .
Tae who just cry and give up because jk 10 time strong then him he just look at ceiling and  moaning with every kiss of jk , trying to Process what happen to him.
But a scream left from his mouth when jk enter him without prepare him.
Jk grown when he feel tight wall around his length . .
more warm tears come from his eyes .
Jk don't let him adjust and start thrusting him  .
And with every thrust of jk ,  pain increase in Tae body . he feel like his mind gone blank and fuzzy .
He cant feel his legs anymore .
He felt little pleasure and more pain .
Whole night Tae scream in pain and jk mercilessly thrust him . he thurst him even he passed out ..
Tae too many time  come but not jk it almost  many hours passed but still jk stamina is same  .so finaly after few more thurst he all come over in condom .

He fall beside Tae and hug him from behind and leave another wet kiss on his nape.
He smirk and say
With that he close his eyes and go to dream land.

  Hi lovely plz vote and comment me.

I don't write this types of scenes before.
So ignore mistake .

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