ch 4

165 8 1

When come out from bathroom he see jungkook is sitting on bed and using his phone .

Jungkook look up and smirk . because Tae neck  has still his mark . his wet hair hid his eyes but jungkook sure  there is tears in his eyes which satisfied him . they both stare at each other one has smirk on his face while other have sad expression  which  explain  his pain .
They track broke when Tae phone is ring which is placed on dressing table .he going to pock up the phone but jungkook is fast enough .he pick the phone and read id
Ohh so my dear mother in law calling this morning like she don't like his beloved son sleep. He say with his husky voice and look at Tae who stand beside him with teary eyes .
Jungkook give me phone Tae courage to say even though he feel like his voice is stuck in his throat . he said and try to take phone . buy jungkook  don't give him .
And he push Tae from his waist with on hand hand  to dressing table and put his palm on his mouth tightly .
And attend the call.
Hello Emma he say and look at Tae who struggle to remove his hand because his mouth is hurt .
Ohh jungkook dear I really like to listen that you call me eomma  mrs kim say sweetly .
I glad to know ,   jungkook  said of course with fake cheerful voice .
Is taehyung is up I want to talk to him . mrs kim say

.jungkook look at Tae who is crying mess because his mouth is hurt and this muscular man cant even move even though he try his best .

Hmm wait I will  call him he said fakely .

He is awake Mrs kim say .

Yes jungkook say and smirk .

Jungkook hold the call and place it under the drawer.he pull Tae toward bath room .
He push Tae in bath who fall on ground jungkook bend to the level of Tae .

Look know your" belove mother"  want to  talk to you . he roll his eyes on beloved mother .

Hmm so if  you think u tell every thing what I do with you  .then you are not able to even sit I break your every bone twice hmm understand my little baby .
He say while patted Tae head and pass fake smile .
He get angry when Tae cant answer him and just crying .
He harshly make gripe on his jaw .
Answer me or  I will break your mouth he gritting his teeth and tight his grip .
Tae is sure it leave hand prints .
Tae nodded jk leave his jaw and harashly make him stand .
Face your mouth or come out jk stand up after saying this and go out .
Tae stand up and go to sink he look at himself and feel so betrayed .he flinch when jk calk him he quickly splash water on his face and go out .

Baby come eomma want to talk to u jungkook say politely .
Tae gulp the lump that stuck in his throat .
He take phone from jk.
He gasped when jungkook back hug him and place his head on his shoulder . and turn him to dressing table mirror.
Eomma  Tae say and try his best his eomma don't suspect him  .his voice like he is crying .but his eomma caught him.
Tae baby you are crying mrs kim say . tae see.Jungkook smirk. And squeeze his waist
No I am not crying . actually  yesterday I eat
To mich sweets so my throat is little bit damage . he say and a lone tear escape from his eyes .he feel so helpless .
Hmm is see .now leave this I want say  take care of you self and your husband .now jungkook is your husband not your boyfriend don't disappoint him okay .and be responsible i know this is wrong timing of saying this  ,  I have to say this early but you and jungkook leave little early .
Mrs kim
m saying and Tae just hummed in answer .
Jungkook shut his eyes and nuzzled his face in Tae nape who just look at mirror without blinking his heart is break in million pieces in just on night .
Mrs kim speaking too much to Tae but Tae in another world he still pray god that plzz its all is just a nightmare . he come t earth when Mrs Kim loudly say thi
Tae are you listening me .
Yes I am listen he say and jungkook just chuckle at Tae .

Okay bye  baby  I have to make break fast for you father . with that mrs kim cut the call .

Jungkook take phone from Tae and throw on wall and break it in pieces .
Jungkook   I have only one he say with anger .

But I don't want  you need even one phone .I don't want you talk to anyone one expect me .understand he say  with unbothered voice and sit on bed .

Why why u are doing this what wrong  did to u  Tae say annoyingly  .and more and more tear come from his eyes his head is hurt because of continuous crying .
Jungkook glare at  Tae .
You don't know what wrong you did with me he mumble .
his eyes turn red .veins poped out from his forehead with anger . when Tae say that now he don't want to live with him .
But he chuckle darkly which make tae shivers to the spine .
There is no way to go out jeon taehyung . you have to live with me in this hell. Under my rules.

Hi lovely .
I hope this  ch is not boring .
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