ch 11

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jungkook is sitting on his office .

Jungkook couldn't shake off the words playing in his head: "Jungkook, I'm pregnant

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Jungkook couldn't shake off the words playing in his head: "Jungkook, I'm pregnant." With a rough whisper, he ponders over it, flashing back to a moment that hit him hard.
Jungkook stops his car in front of the hospital, marches toward the hospital, and goes to the specific room that belongs to his lover Taehyung.
who work in this hospital as an intern.
when Jungkook enters the Taehyung room.
where Taehyung is cradling a toddler who is smiling and giggling.Nearby, a woman, the child's mother, beams affectionately at the scene.

Taehyung is so busy with the baby that he doesn't notice Jungkook.

Jungkook leans on the door while his hand is in his pocket. The glasses on his nose, emotionless eyes behind the glasses, and fake smile make him cool in other eyes.

after few sec taehyung eyes fall on the jungkook and a wide boxy smile appear on his face.he handle baby to the lady and walk toward the jungkook who is standing there now with open arm to engulf his lover.
jungkook hug taehyung and broke there hug after satisfaction .

how much you work take

time baby so after that I take you home you look tired .jungkook said while cearse his lover hair .
who just smile to him .

I am done just playing with baby ..
the said turning toward the lady with baby who is now standing to leave .
she bow and left while taehyung eyes are follow baby with adoration .
he love baby according to him babies are blessing and bring joy in married couple life yet  baby responsibility is big thing.

jungkook take back taehyung attention by kissing his side of temple .

you look tired lets go home and take rest .jungkook said masking his ulterior motives beneath a veneer of sweetness.

taehyung also smile at jungkook and both make there way toward car after taehyung collect his things.
after settling in the car taehyung said .
jungkook can I ask you something . there is hesitation in his word .
but jungkook look at him and with smile , he nod him continue .
as you know I convince it .ever you thought having baby with me or ever you wish having baby  tae ask with excitement with nervousness .they've only been dating for two months and known each other for six, Taehyung wonders if Jungkook ever thinks about having a baby with him. It's a lot to think about, especially since they haven't even talked about getting married yet.

Flashback end

one thing is clear taehyung love babies too much from the start he   his desire to start a family with Jungkook has been apparent since the beginning." 

Jungkook blew out smoke and tilted his head, wearing a tricky smile that made it hard to tell if he was happy or up to something sneaky.

After 7 months .
  Taehyung carefully descended the stairs, holding his belly. He knew the risks of climbing stairs during pregnancy, but he had no other choice. During these months, a new sense of hope blossomed in his wounded heart. Jungkook, surprisingly, had not been as violent towards him as before. Though there were moments when Jungkook would lose his temper and push or slap Taehyung, overall, he allowed Taehyung to eat three meals a day and rest, a significant improvement from his previous behavior. Jungkook even accompanied Taehyung to the hospital for check-ups, though not as frequently as recommended. Taehyung held onto the belief that perhaps Jungkook's behavior would change after the baby was born.

With careful steps, he goes to the kitchen and makes breakfast for Jungkook.
When he was done with breakfast, he placed it on the dining table and smiled, looking at the pancake with honey, which was perfectly placed between the plate with the fork and knife on the side.
Just as he immersed himself in his thoughts, Jungkook descended the stairs.

like usual, he does breakfast and Taehyung stands beside him, but this time cutely.His eyes followed the pancake's journey from plate to Jungkook's mouth, his lips unconsciously licking at the enticing aroma.
cute appearance only added to the scene, especially with his hand resting on his belly.

He looks like the cutest thing in the world, but unfortunately, the man sitting in front of him is heartless.
Jungkook slowly, with an elegant way, ate breakfast.

Your drools are falling. Jungkook said this without looking at Tae.

huh? Tae asks, being clueless.

I mean, shut your mouth; your drools are falling. Jungkook said it in a mocking way while turning. leaving him embarrassed and pouting.

Tae shut his mouth and clean his mouth with sleeves.

One more thing Taehyung displayed occasional mood swings, sometimes pouting or whining due to pregnancy hormones .
And there was a rare moment of defiance when he responded to Jungkook without fear, only to be met with silence, leaving him surprised.

When Jungkook finishes breakfast, Taehyung eats his breakfast and washes dishes.
Today, Jungkook doesn't have to go to the office because he has to go somewhere else.
Actually, he has to attend a very important meeting abroad, even though. He doesn't want to go, but  he had to attend.

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