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Jungkook stood in front of the mirror, fixing his hair and putting on his wristwatch. Taehyung, standing behind him, helped him put on his blazer.

After Jungkook was satisfied with his look, he turned to Taehyung with a mix of fear and longing in his eyes. Approaching him, he said something chilling.

"If you think about leaving while I'm gone for a month, think again. The people around this mansion are ruthless and bloodthirsty. They won't wait for my command; they'll see you as just my slave and act accordingly. So, it's your call."

Taehyung, visibly shaken, held onto his belly protectively. Jungkook, seeing his reaction, smiled triumphantly as he started to leave. But Taehyung stopped him with a trembling voice.

"Do you even love me?" he asked, his emotions heightened due to his pregnancy.

Jungkook frowned but then smiled, walking back to Taehyung, who felt like disappearing into the wall. Jungkook tenderly touched Taehyung's head and then his baby bump. Feeling warmth at the touch, Taehyung almost kicked but managed to stay composed.

"Isn't this a sign of our love?" Jungkook said softly, rubbing Taehyung's baby bump and kissing his neck, leaving a mark. Taehyung, overwhelmed, moaned but quickly covered his mouth.

with a smirk jungkook take back step.
and after taking his suit case .he go from there leaving taehyung alone.
who's eyes filled with tears and one after one roll down from his chubby chicks.


Taehyung sits on his bed, his back against the mattress, lost in his thoughts as he gently strokes his growing belly. It's been almost two months since Jungkook left, leaving Taehyung alone. He's thought about running away from his problems, but his fear holds him back, especially knowing there's a baby on the way.
The idea of something happening to the baby before it's born scares him too much to leave the  home.

This fear keeps him confined indoors. He's aware of the menacing bodyguard and ferocious dogs waiting outside. If he ventures out, he fears he'll be torn apart.

Every night, the distant barks of dogs startle him awake, and he holds onto his belly, tears streaming down his face.

Taehyung, feeling troubled about his past, gets up to make himself some strawberry juice. He's been feeling a bit of pain in his belly for the past two days,

Despite his tension over the past two days' slight discomfort in his belly, as a medical student specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, he's well-versed in caring for pregnant individuals.But he's still scared that something might be wrong, even though he thinks he still has three weeks before the baby is due.

He sits on the balcony, drinking his juice and watching the sunset. He talks to the baby inside him, trying to calm down because the pain in his belly is getting worse. He gently touches his belly to soothe the baby's kicks.
After few time baby stop kicking.
As dusk gives way to night, he resolves to take a proper shower, having neglected it for days. Selecting loose clothing, he makes his way to the bathroom, moving cautiously.

Turning on the tap to fill the bathtub, he is suddenly seized by excruciating pain as the baby delivers a forceful kick, causing him to cry out. Before he can regain his composure, his water breaks, and he collapses onto the hard bathroom floor, tears streaming down his face. With trembling hands, he touches his belly, realizing the baby is
positioned to arrive .

Each passing moment  the pain  in his abdomen increases his grip on the towel tightening as he grits his teeth, his face flushed with pain.

Taehyung's breath hitched as the baby inside him thrashed with newfound strength, each kick sending waves of pain crashing through his body. He clung to the edge of the bathtub, peeling away his lower garments, and braced himself against the cold porcelain. With a deep breath, he began to push, each effort accompanied by a surge of agony that threatened to consume him.

Gasping for air, Taehyung's screams echoed off the tiled walls, his body trembling with the effort. Despite the futility of the cold floor and running water, he pushed on, driven by the singular purpose of bringing his child into the world. With each push, his strength waned, his vision blurring with tears, but still, he persevered, fueled by the love he held for the tiny life growing within him.

As the pain intensified, Taehyung felt as though he were teetering on the edge of oblivion, his body aching and slick with sweat and blood. Yet, through the haze of agony, he found solace in the knowledge that his suffering would soon be rewarded with the arrival of his child.

Finally, with a cry that mirrored Taehyung's own, the baby emerged, a tiny, fragile form cradled in his trembling hands. With a shaky smile, he wrapped the newborn in a towel, his fingers fumbling as he reached for the blade to sever the umbilical cord.

Exhausted and drained, Taehyung sank to the floor, his body trembling with fatigue. Yet, as he tenderly cleaned the baby's bloody form, his heart swelled with a love so fierce it eclipsed the pain and exhaustion that threatened to consume him. For in that moment, all that mattered was the precious life he now held in his arms.

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