ch 7

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Tae is making breakfast .
His eyes is half close he is sleepy
But his back and legs was hurting as hell cause of hot session with his husband .
He was also tired and hungry because last night jungkook don't let him eat food.
While saying that you eat enough in lunch.
He make breakfast but his expression change in scared one when jungkook come down in suit which indicate today he go office.

Jungkook sit on dinning table .taehyung put breakfast on table.And stand beside him .

Warning abusing part
If you don't want then scroll little up.till you see flower
Jungkook take sip of tea .he gritted his teeth and throw hot tea on tae
Ahh tae scream and back away his feet and leg is burning .
He immediately run toward kitchen and throw water on his lower part.
He is crying messily but jungkook seems like he don't care .even though he get more angry that why tae run away .
He go in kitchen and hrasly slap him he fall on floor.
Ahhhh eomma tae scream when jungkook put his foot on his burn feet.
He try to push jungkook leg but he don't have this much energy .
He again moan in pain when jungkook held his hair and make him look up.

Firstly you disobey me now you push me with your flity hands jungkook said while gritting his teeth and tight his fist around the hair .

Tae was screaming in pain his all face is soaked in tears face , neck and ears red due to pain.
Jungkook leave him
when his phone ring he look at 🆔 and smirk .
He jerk tae body who move backward from his place

Jungkook go and sit in couch like a king and put phone on ear.
Wow what a timing he said with smirk .
What are you doing the man on call said his voice is little scared .
I am doing hmm may be loving some one he said while looking at tae who is become ball and lay beside kitchen shelf and crying due to pain which satisfy jungkook very much .
And the man on call understand it .

what you do now jeon he said in worried voice .

Hmm noting special just I don't like the taste of tea so I through hot tea on him jungkook smirk grow wide when the person on call said in crack and crying voice .

L he do no.thing . the man is shuttering .

I don't think so and you wasting my time and you  always call me and ask same question even though you know the answer very well with that he cut the call .

And go toward tae who is on same place.
Bitch do some work when I come home I need very thing neat and clean .i f I  see a little dirt then you know what happen next he said and patted tae head.

Who nodded his head cause he don't have any other option expect saying yes  .

At night .
Tae is waiting for jk like always .
He is seat on couch .he want to sleep he is tired and his all body is aching cause of pain .....
He is lost in his thought untill he listen door opening sound he look at jungkook who is not in his right state.
His shirt few button is open, tie loosely hang on his neck and blood red eyes he was stumbling   while walk with his unstable walk he come toward tae .
Before tae do something jungkook hold take nape and crash his lips on him.

Mature content.
He kiss roughly and make  tae to lay on couch and hover him .without breaking kiss.
He enter his hand in the thin shirt and squeeze his waist harsly .who moan in kiss.
Tae is out of breath he tap jungkook shoulder who break kiss jungkook look at tae with red eyes while breathing heavily .who is crying tears flow from his eyes but jungkook just smirk and
Start giving wet kisses on his neck.
Slowly kisses turn to big bites .
Tae is moaning in pain .
Jungkook harshly ripped tae cloths and also remove his cloth with preparing he slammed his co*k in tae who scream .

yeah he have s* x with jungkook many time but every time he feel like some one ripped him in two part and his burnt leg add more pain.
Jungkook start thrusting senselessly
He still wandering how tae is still tight.
After  5 to 6 hours jungkook leave tae lifeless on couch and go toward  bedroom with his pants he is still tripped many time.
Tae is look at ceiling with tears he don't have courage to move his body.
But he is naked laying on big mansion living room so he get up with a lot of struggle he  wear jungkook shirt cause his shirt is not in state to wear.
He go toward room with the help of things.
He see jungkook is not in room that's mean he is another room .
So he lay on bed he don't have energy to wash him self he just lay and cover himself with blanket .

That's enough I don't have courage to bear more he have to do something. He say in his mind while infinite tears flow from his eyes.

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