ch 6

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Here tae is standing infront of mirror after shower he wear baby pink shirt with white jeans.
He is puting base on his face and on  his ,  hand arm to hide his bruise .cause jungkook order him. he don't want his hyung see him like this.
Cause according to there family they are lovely , best and sweet couple .

Then he go down to see food which he put on light heat just little things  remain like decorating the food for good representation.

He start to chops  coriander then he flinch when jungkook back hug him .
But he continue his work .faint moan escape from his mouth  when jungkook place a wet kiss on his visible neck.
Then door open and jin and namjoon enter .

Tae going to speak but jungkook squeeze his waist and whisper
don't move
in his ear.

Oh lovely  couple is here  jin said and come toward them .
Jungkook smile cutely and leave his waist .
He sign tae.
Tae go and hug jin then namjoon also stand there with smile when he see jungkook and tae all happy .
But they don't know what is behind the curtain.

Then jin go to jungkook and slap him lightly on head and said.
You are horny all day .I am sure you always clinge to him  .
Jungkook give him bunny smile.
Tae is stand near namjoon and greet him and look back at jungkook who is smile cutely.
"How someone is this fake" he thought
then that all sit living room and talk they are all laughing while bickering each other .
Tae is stand near jungkook who have hand on his waist .
And they talk to each other very softly while calling each other honey ,  baby,  hubby.but this all was fake.
For sometime tae forget about his
pain he wish if jungkook become like this forever then every thing will be al right .
After some time they all go to dining table for lunch tae serve them jin also help them .
They are eating in comfortable silent .
But tae he gulp every bite hardly bcause jin put too much in his plate .
But tae is not allow to eat this much he always eat jungkook leftover.
Jungkook has hand on tae thigh who squeeze him time to time.
Tae know jungkook will be angry on him.
So finely time pass and all finish there lunch .and tae thank to good cause his thigh is paining cause jungkook squeeze it hardly .
Then he clean dish and also jin help him.
Jungkook and namjoon go to their home office .
Here jin and tae is in the room they are sitting and talk randomly but then jin say.

Tae when you give us good news  
he say while smiling .
I..I take get nervous and start fideging with his finger. Jin note it.
Its okay you want know but I have dream to see jungkook babies than mine .then he laugh lightly .
The also chuckle but sadly which jin cant notice .

Cause who tell jin that he daily become a target of his husband sexual abuse every night he serve his so called husband with his body .but he always on pill if he is not then jungkook use protection .cause he don't want family with him.

But then jin take his bag and take out something.
Take it jin give him little bag.
What is this?  tae ask him in confusion
See by yourself jin said  while smiling
Tae take it and see but  His cheeks turn red .
Why this?
tae ask jin shyly.
I thing you use it in future I go mall yesterday to buy gift for you when namjoon tell me we have to come here .
So I think there is no mall  near.I think
So if you need this he said with teasing smile
And taehyung all red .he lightly hit jin arm.
Actually there is pregnancy test in bag .and breast pad

Jin start tease tae who is now all red .
Then they listen namjoon shout for jin .
They both go down stairs and see jungkook and namjoon is standing there
Jin baby come we have to go namjoon softly call jin .

Tae look at them with dreaming eyes
He wish if jungkook also treat him like this his thoughts track break when jungkook snake his hand on his waist

What happen honey jungkook? ask to tae with smile .

But tae know this smile is fake so fake .
But he like it they act as normal couple for sometime but he like it .When jungkook take care of him was all act.
Fake act.

Then they both go to door to leave jin and namjoon .Namjoon give both of them blessing and jin also advice him  like always take each other but tae know that all words was waste on jungkook they both stand on door and see jin and namjoon sit on car going toward main gate and vanished jungkook close door with loud thud. Tae flinch hardly.
And turn with devil smile.

Hmm I am impressed by your acting .you are good actor .jungkook said to the and come close to him .

Tae gulp and take step back until he reach to sofa and fall.
Jungkook harsh grabbed his face .
Can you tell anything to jin hyung ? Jungkook said in anger and squeeze tae face more.
Tears fall from his eyes he shake his head as no .
WORDS  BABY jungkook said while gritting his teeth.
N..oo. any .thing he said while shuttering .the of  jungkook grip on his face was getting more hard .
He close his eyes when jungkook pull him and kiss him harsaly  .
He was biting his lips .tae hissed in pain he taste his own blood .
He try to push jungkook when he is out of breath but jungkook kiss him more roughly.
After some secs jungkook push tae and he clean his lips with back hand .
Disgusting  bitch he muttered toward tae and go from there in his room.

Tae sit straight and wipe his tears .
He touch his lips which is now swallow and paining .But now he used to it .

At night.
Tae come out from bathroom after changing his cloths  he is wearing a purple shirt with pajama he look so cute ,  fluffy .
He sit on bed edge .
Jungkook is sitting on bed and talking to some one on phone then his eyes fall on tae . who come and sit on bed . he smirk

Okay I talk to you tomorrow he said and cut the call.

He come toward tae who is lost in thoughts .he snaked his hand oh his waist and said.

Don't you thing your hubby work to much .he also need little relieve .jungkook said sensually .

Tae understand what he mean he start open his shirt button and jungkook start giving him sloppy kisses on his neck then jungkook harsaly turn him  and hungrily kiss him and throw him on bed .
He remove his and own cloths and attack on his neck and leave dark hickies while  going down .
Tae is just hissed in pain whenever jungkook bite his skin and leave dark hickies .
He scream when jungkook suddenly enter him .
Its not new cause jungkook always do like this .but everytime he feel so much pain that he wish for death.
He hold jungkook forearm .
And jungkook is thursting inside him with animalist speed while holding his waist .
Teras roll down from the eyes and his mouth is open but no scream come out from his mouth .

He is in pain but he have to serve his husband .
His mind is so fuzzy he is  in less pleasure and more pain strate.


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