Flashbacks Part #2

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"Excuse me!" Benjy was astonished, "you what?!"

"I've been flirting with you since second year," Lydia deadpanned, "how did you not know is a better question."

"I-I- well," Benjy spluttered confused. He didn't think he was much of anyone compared to Sirius Black. Sure, he'd considered asking the Potter girl out, but everyone knew that she was dating Black. It seems that there was more to the connection Potter and Black have. Why him of all people though. He was a measly muggleborn compared to her illustrious legacy. His own parents couldn't love him, so how could one of Hogwarts's most stupendous students have fallen for him?

"Just come sit with Siri and I," Lydia offered, "if we're going to marry and have a kid together, we may as well react to her together."

"Sure," the older boy agreed hesitantly. He wasn't so sure he was all to comfortable with sitting near his future father-in-law. A future father-in-law who duels, hexes, and fights anyone who wrongs his daughter. And what about Black? Everyone knows Black is the best duelist of his year, his only equal being Lydia Potter herself. The fourth year is fiercely overprotective of his best friend, and Benjy wasn't so sure he'd be able to last more than five minutes in a duel. Still, if he was going to marry this girl, the least he could do is comply with her logical wish.

"Welcome to the family," Fleamont clapped the boy on the back. He approved his daughter's taste. From what his little girl told him, the boy was smart, handsome, great at quidditch, protective, kind, blah blah blah. From being trapped in this room, he could tell the boy was exactly what his daughter told. The only thing unconformed was the quidditch thing, but his daughter loved quidditch to much to falsify skill, even on her crush's behalf.

 The only thing unconformed was the quidditch thing, but his daughter loved quidditch to much to falsify skill, even on her crush's behalf

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Euphemia smiled when she saw the boy her daughter loved. She could already see some of Iola's features on him, and Iola certainly received her calm demeanor from her father. There was no way that her daughter, her heart and soul, would ever be anything but a gremlin. It was only natural with how much they spoil her. 

Sirius grinned as Benjy sat next to Lydia. Lydia had been crushing on the muggleborn for a while, and Sirius was glad to see his sister getting the attention and hopefully one day, love, she deseved. Benjy was a good guy, although he was a strict prefect. That meant less pranking on his shifts, because Lyds didn't want to mess her chances up. And Sirius respected that.  

The screen shifted, and a familiar face came on. It was 2nd year Lydia.

"Sirius!" Lydia shouted, running to greet Sirius as he descended from the boy's dormitory, "good morning! Guess what I got for you!"

"What'd you get me Lyds?" Sirius yawned. He never was quite as energetic as Lydia was in the mornings.

"This beauty," Lydia opens her hand. Inside, is a small ring.

"Why are you handing me a ring at 8:30 in the morning?" Sirius asks, still not quite awake.

Suddenly, out of the ring comes a blast of water, and splashes Sirius's face. "Is that what I think it is?" a suddenly eager and mischievous Sirius Black asks.

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