Flashbacks Chapter #15

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"I'm really nervous for the next part," Lydia whispers to Sirius, "it has not been going in a good direction."

"I'll be here to hold you through it all," Sirius promised, eyes soft for his little sister, "I won't let go of you for a minute."

"You're the best," Lydia told Sirius, "I don't know where I'd be without you."

"Doing great," Sirius ruffled her hair, "you couldn't ever be anything but great."

"Not the hair!" Lydia shouted, pushing Sirius's hand off her head, "but thank you."

The scene shifts to an angry Lydia Potter on the battlefield. "Where's Lestrange?!" she shouts at the death eaters, eyes glaring, "speak quickly if you want any mercy!"

"Why would I tell you that?" Igor Karkaroff laughed, "why would I give him away? A punishment from the Dark Lord is far worse than anything you'll ever come up with." With that, he cast a powerful cutting spell at her.

"You think you can hold me off," Lydia smirked, quickly redirecting his spell back at him. The death eater screamed as his arm was chopped off. "Now talk!"

Karkaroff didn't respond, and simply quickly apparated away. Lydia snarled, and ran off to find Amelia, her current auror partner.

"MELIA!" Lydia screamed, shooting two powerful spells at the death eater who was trying to curse Amelia from behind.

"Thanks Lydia," Amelia huffed, sending a bright stunner at the last death eater, "I was almost done for."

"No biggie," Lydia shrugged, "let's get back to the office. I need to see if anyone else got more information on Lestrange."

"Don't you think you're taking this too far?" Amelia asked hesitantly, "maybe you should take a break."

"Can't," Lydia said, apparating the two of them to their office, "can't let anyone else get hurt."

 "It seems our Lyddie turned into an workaholic," Euphemia sighed, heart clenching for her daughter,.

"Grief works in mysterious ways," Fleamont puts a hand on his wife's shoulders, "and our Lyddie has many friends. I'm sure they'll help her through her grief."

"I hope so," Euphemia glanced at the current version of her daughter. It was hard to believe that this sunny girl would turn into the angst-ridden young adult on the screen."

"I still think you could use a break," Amelia sighed, "but who am I to tell you what to do?"

"You're my-" Lydia started, but immediately felt a wave of nausea overtake her. She suddenly began clutching on Amelia, feeling quite dizzy.

"Lydia!" Amelia gasped, looking the woman over, "are you hurt anywhere?"

"No," Lydia stumbled around, still leaning on Amelia, "I just feel a little dizzy. Help me to my desk, will you?"

"I'm not liking the implications," Tina whispered to Newt, "Benjy's dead and Lydia's not feeling very well. I have my suspicions."

"As do I," Newt whispered softly, "but let's wait a little before jumping to conclusions."

Amelia immediately guided the stumbling woman to her desk, and made her comfortable. "Wait here," she rushed out, "I'm going to go get Sirius."

Moments later, a bleeding Sirius Potter rushed to his sister's side. "Lyds!" he shouted, "what's going on? Do you need to go home?"

"I'm fine Pads," Lydia rolls her eyes, "I just had a bit of a dizzy spell. I'm perfectly fine."

"You nearly collapsed," Amelia interjected passionately, "you're not okay Lydia. You're overworking yourself!"

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