Flashbacks Chapter #19

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"My daughter just won the tri-wizard tournament," Lydia pumped her hands in their, "I'm so proud."

"So am I," Benjy was excited as well, "what an accomplishment."

"Happy birthday my little star," Lydia cooed at her little girl, "you're one year's old now."

"I can't believe it's been that long," Regulus agrees, "and she's gotten so big."

"She has, hasn't she?" Lydia turns to Iola, "can you say Uncle Reggie?"

"Unca Wegie," Iola blabbers, and holds her hands out to Regulus, "Unca Weggie!"

"She's so precious" Euphemia had stars in her eyes as she watched her granddaughter.

"Oh come here," Regulus picks the little girl up and twirls her, "I can't say no."

"She has you wrapped around her finger," Lydia giggled, "it's rather amusing if I do say so myself."

"I just hate that she's stuck in the house all day," Regulus speaks passionately, "she's a kid. She shouldn't have a madman chasing her down for something she will potentially do."

"I know," Lydia sighs, "we've been stuck under fidelius for a year already. I didn't understand Frank at first when he suggested it, but seeing how crazy you-know-who is about finding us, I'm glad we did it."

"I am as well," Regulus agrees, "all for Iola."

The two do their best to give Iola a great first birthday. Truth be told, Iola didn't even know what she was really missing.

"It's so sad," Hestia bawls, "they can't leave the house! I'd die of misery."

"You overdramatic girl," Pandora shakes her head, "you'd be fine."

The scene switches to two months later, where Sirius, Regulus, Dorcas, and Lydia are all sitting in Lydia's living room.

"So we'll have the wedding at the Manor," Lydia begins, looking at her notes, "and I'll make arrangements for your parents Dorcas. They can stay in one of the guest rooms."

"Thanks Lydia," Dorcas smiles, "that makes things a lot easier."

"No need for thanks," Lydia brushes off, "it's Sirius's manor as well. He has just as much a right to it as I do."

"But Monty and Effie left the manor to you," Sirius protested, "they gave it to you because it was your childhood home. They gave me other things. The manor rightfully belongs to you."

"No," Lydia says firmly, "it's just as much my home as yours. There is no need to ask permission for your in-laws to stay here during your wedding."

"So that's what they're planning," Euphemia realizes, "I can't believe Sirius is actually getting married."

"Hey!" Sirius turned to his mother-figure, "that's uncalled for!"

"Truth is hard to hear sometimes," Fleamont put his hand on Sirius's shoulder, "but we're all extremely happy for you."

Sirius sputtered for a while, before giving in to temptation, and slammed his head on the table. Why were they so mean?!

"Thanks Lydia," Dorcas's eyes shone with happiness, "it'll be a huge help." Dorcas leaves shortly after, kissing Sirius on the cheek as she does.

"Are you going on that mission?" Sirius offhandedly asks, "I need to know if I have to account for your martial prowess in the plans."

"Yes," Lydia replies, "Reg is very close to finding the Basilisk we've been looking for. Uncle Newt gave him a few leads."

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