Iolanthe Potter Chapter #16

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"I'm glad to see that some normalcy prevails," Tina smiles slightly, "and that our family traditions have not been discarded."

"I'd never forget them," Lydia swore, "I value family far too much to do such a thing. Without my parents around, it would be up to me to ensure the gathering still happened."

"I'm sure you'll do a magnificent job," Euphemia reassured her daughter, "as well as you Sirius."

"Thanks Effie," Sirius grinned, "it means a lot."

The scene switched, and Neville was seen sitting with his classmates.

"Happy birthday!" Amelie Lynn shouted, springing confetti on her friend, "I can't believe you've already turned 15! I have another month to go."

"Thank you Amelie," Neville laughs, "and to all of you as well. Don't pretend as if the salt water taffies and croissants are normally present at dinner. I know you lot bought them for me."

"Why are you so observant?" Nick Dusten sighed, "we can never trick you."

"It comes from being raised by aurors," Neville brushes off, "although most of it could be blamed on my Uncle Regulus. He was far too interested in teaching all us children how to spy on our guardians. You should have seen Auntie Dorcas when she found out he got Iola to trick her."

"You are a horrible influence," Dorcas wagged her finger, "why would you teach children that?"

"It's always a good skill to be observant," Regulus defends, "seeing how Iola's life is turning out, mark my words, my training will save her life."

"Why you lit-" Dorcas attempted to argue, but Sirius interrupted.

"It seems we've just witnessed the birth of your future rivalry," he laughed, "a rivalry that is still present in the future."

"Shut up!" Dorcas blushed, "this doesn't concern you."

"I think-" The films cut Sirius off before he could say something dumb and get hexed.

"I envy you sometimes," Amelie sighs dreamily, "you're related to some of the most impressive figures in wizarding history."

"I did get rather lucky, didn't I?" Neville agreed, before noticing someone, "what's Uncle Thee doing here?"

"I agree," Lyetta wonders, "what in Morigan's name is Thee doing in Hogwats?"

"Bonjour Neville," Thee Scamander, now 57, greets his nephew, "happy birthday by the way."

"Thanks Uncle Thee," Neville responds, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to speak with an old friend of mine," Thee explains, "Albert Herman. He hasn't been responding to my messages, and I've grown rather worried. I spoke to his brother, and he said he'd gotten a job here. As soon as the paperwork was ready, I made a trip here to see him. I also wanted to speak to Iola, give her my comfort and congratulations. She's doing rather well in the tournament, but I'm worried for her."

"She has been rather down," Neville agreed, "she could use some support."

"Happy birthday though," Thee ruffles Neville's hair, "and here's a little gift."

"Seems Thee has finally matured," Lyetta's jaw dropped, "I never thought it would happen."

"Neither did I," Nico was in a similar state to his sister, "are my eyes deceiving me?"

"Your brother always had this side to him," Newt laughs at his children's faces, "why do you think Josephine married him? He is simply unafraid to embrace everything that makes him special. That's why he seems arrogant and crazy at points. In reality, your brother Theseus is far too similar to his namesake."

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