Mid Story Character Guide:

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All information is according to the latest chapter. Year 1994:

Potter Family:

Fleamont Potter: Born in the 1880s. Died in 1979. Married Euphemia Potter nee Moon. Father of Lydia Potter.

Euphemia Potter nee Moon: Ravenclaw. Born in the 1880s. Died in 1979. Married Fleamont Potter. Mother of Lydia Potter.

Lydia Euphemia Potter: Gryffindor. Born in 1960. Died in 1981. Daughter of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. Married Benjy Fenwick. Mother of Iolanthe Potter.

Iolanthe Serene "Iola" Potter: Thunderbird/Hufflepuff. Born in 1980. Daughter of Lydia Potter and Benjy Fenwick.

Benjamin "Benjy" Fenwick: Ravenclaw. Born in 1958. Died in 1979. Married Lydia Potter. Father of Iolanthe Potter.

Sirius Balinor Potter: Formerly Sirius Orion Black. Gryffindor. Born in 1959. Formerly son of Orion and Walburga Black. Son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. Divorced Dorcas Meadowes. Married Amelia Bones. Father of Benjy and Callie Potter.

Dorcas Meadowes: Previously Dorcas Potter. Ravenclaw. Born in 1960.  Divorced Sirius Potter. Mother of Benjy and Callie Potter.

Amelia Potter nee Bones: Hufflepuff. Born in 1960. Married to Sirius Potter. 

Benjamin Fleamont "Benjy" Potter: Ravenclaw. Born in 1983. Son of Sirius Potter and Dorcas Meadowes.

Callie Lydia Potter: Gryffindor. Born in 1983. Daughter of Sirius Potter and Dorcas Meadowes.

Scamander Family:

Newton Artemis Fido "Newt" Scamander: Hufflepuff. Born in 1897. Married Tina Scamander nee Goldstein. Father of six children.

Porpentina Esther "Tina" Scamander nee Goldstein: Thunderbird. Born in 1901. Married to Newt Scamander. Mother of six children.

Dana Eulalie Lee nee Scamander: Pukwudgie. Born in 1935. Daughter of Newt and Tina Scamander. Married to James Lee. Canadian-American. Mother of William Lee.

James Lee: Muggle. Born in 1935. Married to Dana Eulalie Lee nee Scamander. Canadian. Father of William Lee.

William Lee: Homeschooled. Born in 1965. Canadian-American. Son of Dana Eulalie and James Lee. Father of two children.

Lilian Lee nee White: Homeschooled. Born in  1966. Canadian. Mother of two children.

Joshua Lee: . Born in 1990. Canadian. Son of William and Lilian Lee.

Karinne Lee: Born in 1993. Canadian. Daughter of William and Lilian Lee

Theseus Yusuf "Thee" Scamander: Wampus. Born in 1937. American. Son of Newt and Tina Scamander. Married to Josephine Scamander nee Blaise. Father of three children.

Josephine Scamander nee Blaise: Beauxbatons graduate. Born in 1936. French-American. Married to Thee Scamander. Mother of three children.

Mallory Vogel nee Scamander: Wampus. Born in 1962. American. Married to Aaron Vogel. Daughter of Thee and Josephine Scamander.

Jacob Scamander: Thunderbird. Born in 1964. American. Son of Thee and Josephine Scamander.

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