ɪɴᴠɪᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ ʀᴇᴠᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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"Sae Itoshi scored marvelous goal again! He brutally went through the opposing team defense without effort and swiftly scored! Can you believe it?!"

The light from the TV emitted through the dark room as a male figure laid down on the couch with his hand on cigarette, he puffs out smoke from his glistening lips as his dull eyes stared at the TV nonchalantly. His pupils follows the familiar brunette with teal eyes.

The male then sits up and stretch, he puts out the light from the cigarette and threw them on the full trash bin. He stood up and fixes his long soft locks and puts them on man bun.

Walking to the kitchen and pour glass of water before gulping it down. He sighs and went over to the front door to check his mails, picking up the irrelevant mails until he come across one particular mail.

He opens up mail gently.

Mr. (First name) (Last name),

You have been selected for a special player training program called Blue Lock.......

The male sighs in exasperation and runs his hand through his hair.

"Fine, I'll play your little game, Ego Jinpachi."

The scenery change to the building of JFU, (name) stood in front of the tall building with his face hid behind the fluffy scarf that he wore around his neck.

At the same time, Isagi Yoichi also arrive just after (name). He stood behind long haired male, he was captivated by the latter's features as the male walked ahead inside the building with his long luscious hair flutter behind him. Isagi lightly blushed at the sight before shaking his head furiously snapping his mind out.

Meanwhile, (name) walked through the front door and towards the assembly area that are guided by the map given along with the letter, he pushed open the double doors in front of him only to be greeted with groups of other males inside. They were all staring at his direction seeing that another person walked in, (name) ignore the stares a strode past before leaning against the wall at the very back of the room, away from the crowd.

'I'll just wait here then, it looks like it hasn't start yet.'

Few minutes later, he saw another two males walked in the room. Then, the light in the room suddenly turns off as the stage begin to light up.

"Ehh...urmm..congratulations, you unpolished lumps of talent," A tall and lanky figure walked to the stage making the crowd's attention switch to the figure.

"According to my personal judgment, there are three hundred of you are here....the best strikers under eighteen. My name is Jinpachi Ego, I was hired to give Japan a World Cup victory," The lanky, tall man introduced.

Murmurs and whispers were heard across the room filled with confusion and nervous at the man's words, some were unaffected and continue to stare at the man.

"I'll say this plainly, only one thing necessary for Japanese soccer to become the best in the world: The birth of revolutionary striker. With three hundred of you here...I will conduct an experiment to create world's best striker," The man point towards the large screen behind him.

"Look, this is the facility created for that purpose...Blue Lock. Starting for today, you'll all be living here together...while undergoing the special training I've devised. You can't return to your homes, and this mark the end of your precious soccer career. But I promise this, whoever survive this Blue Lock and outlast the other two hundred ninety-nine......the last remaining person will become world's best striker," Ego confidently and firmly said staring down to the audiences with strong and assertive.

"That concludes the explanation....thank you."

Silence filled the room as Ego finally finishes his speech, (name) could only stare at the rest of the people inside the room nonchalantly before scoffing softly.

A hand from white haired teen the stood up, "Excuse me, I can't consent to your explanation."

The crowds attention then turns towards the white haired male, (name) could only close his eyes feeling the sleepiness starting to take over of this boredom.

"Each of us have our own precious teams, and some of us are preparing for nationals. Running off some place that makes no sense....I can't..abandon my team to participate that," The white haired male state.

The others begin to agree with the male's words and opposed Ego's ideas as they themselves also have nationals to go to as well.

Ego scratch his head, "I see....you're all really sick, huh.."

He then waves his hands with shooing motion, "Then, piss off. If you want to leave I won't stop you."

The audience become silent, flabbergasted by Ego's words.

(Name) almost laugh at how pathetic they look right now if it weren't for his hand covering his mouth.

"Your teams are precious...? Instead of becoming the world's best....you'd rather be the best high schooler in our country's soccer backwater? Huh? I get depressed when I think about people like you carrying the future of Japanese soccer. Listen, Japanese soccer's teamwork capability is the best in the world, you can say it's a gift of our country's propensity for considering others."

The screen change into the Japanese soccer team.

The screen change into the Japanese soccer team

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"But besides that, everything else....is second rate. Let me ask you....just what is soccer? A sport in which eleven people combine their power..? "Treasuring our bonds.."? "For my friend's sake"? Wrong. And that's why this country's game has always been weak. I'll tell you...soccer is a sport in which you score more points than your opponent. Whoever scores the most points is the best if you to play at "getting along", then piss off."

(Name) then proceed to ignore the rest of it and sleep, already knowing what Ego would say for the rest of his "speech".

The next thing he woke up, all the people are now rushing in towards the large door where the large screen should be. He watch as people desperately running towards it like their life depends on.

Slowly, there's no one but him and Ego. He walk towards the man with slightly impressed and yet amused eyes.

"Wow, didn't think that you manage to convince all of them.."

Ego looks over his shoulder towards the teen, "I don't know what you mean by 'convincing', I merely give them hope and some push. To search for an egoist is must push especially for those lumps of talents."

(Name) nod, "Opportunity...or crushing their ambitions too early, you're quite masochist, dad."

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