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(Draco's pov)
The morning came and as I'm getting ready I hear Blaise and Goyle talking about that bet "trust me Draco isn't going to succeed y/n hates him." He said with a chuckle I could practically see the smirk on his face "I know right he really shouldn't have taken this bet." He also laughed but I'll show them I'll show them that I can succeed and y/n potter will fall in love with me I walk out of the bathroom and grab my wand and bag and head to breakfast even though I didn't plan on eating but y/n would be there so that's a plus I sit at a table alone just waiting for y/n to enter the hall and to my surprise she entered only a few minutes after I did with Ginny Weasley they go to walk past me but I hear y/n speak "hey Ginny I'll be there in a second." I saw Ginny nod and y/n sat next to me "why did you wink at me last night?" She asked I almost forgot about that "what do you mean potter?" I ask knowing exactly what she meant "last night when you made fun of Harry you winked at me why." She seemed more curious then angry or concerned "oh yeah then I just had something in my eye." That was a lie "oh yeah sure you did look malfoy just don't do it again." She seemed serious "but how could I stop when you're so beautiful." I say to her and her face flushed red she was blushing my plan was working and soon enough I'll have her right where I want her "uhm I uhm I should uhm-" I interrupted her "get back to Ginny before your face gets any redder?" She nodded and go up and sat next to Ginny and soon enough it was time for class defense of dark arts with our new professor.

Y/n was standing only a few feet away from me I could tell she was standing next to Harry Professor Lupin began to speak "okay class repeat after me Redikuls." "Redikuls!" "Very good!" I rolled my eyes "this class is ridiculous." I mumble under my breath when I caught y/ns eyes looking in my direction and when we made eye contact she looked away flustered "okay everyone form a line." Everyone go into the line y/n wasn't in a hurry to get in it so she ended up at the back I willingly went back there to stand with her "hello darling." She looks at me as her cheeks grew red "malfoy can I help you with something?" She asked me with genuine concern "yeah actually you can stop getting more beautiful every time I see you." That made her face redder as she smiled "I'll try." I smiled "you don't have to I was kidding." She smiled she had a beautiful smile I've never seen one like it before I was lost in my thoughts when class got dismissed and it was time for our next class Care of Magical Creatures as we walk down to the hut Hagrid lives in he leads us into the forest and tell us to open are books "how are we supposed to do that exactly?" I ask "just stroke the spin of course!" He states this is so stupid "wait till my father hears that dumbldores got this oaf teaching classes!" I state to my friends when pottah has to speak "shut up Malfoy!" Oooo I stepped up to him then pointed behind him "dementor dementor!" I stepped back as all the heads turned and put my hood up and my hands "ooooo" me and my friends did like the look on his face it was hilarious that was until I saw y/ns face she looked scared I knew I had to talk to her at some point eventually the class ended and y/n had divation I didn't but it didn't matter really because it was around dinner time now and that meant classes were over I saw y/n get up and leave the great hall I got up to follow.

"Potter!" I shout she stopped and turns around "not now malfoy!" She spat at me before turning around and walking again "woah what did I do?" I ask and she turns around and walks towards me "I know what you're doing and I don't like it just leave me alone!" She doesn't know about the bet there's no way "and what exactly am I doing?" I question "you just trying to make fun of me okay so please just stop." She goes to walk away but I grabbed her hand to stop her "what do you mean I know I'm mean but I wouldn't do something like that." She rolled her eyes she didn't believe me "not to you at least." I state she still wasn't convinced I grabbed her other hand now holding both of them they were soft and warm "I mean it y/n I've never meant anything more in my life." She smiled but still didn't seem convinced I needed her to believe me for this bet to play out in my favor so I let go of her hands cuff her face and kiss her and to my surprise she kissed back her lips were soft I never thought that I'd kiss y/n potter but now that I am I don't want to stop but I pulled away "believe me now?" I asked her "I don't know maybe you should try convincing me again." Perfect it was working I kissed her again then pulled away "how about now?" She nods " I believe you." Great she believes me that's a great thing "don't tell anyone about this though okay at least not yet." I demand no one can know yet "okay." She agreed and eventually the corridors flooded with people trying to get back to their dorms y/n and I had went In separate directions but my plan was working she was falling in love with me but that wasn't all that was on my mind her lips and hands were so soft her hands were warm and she was just beautiful I've never said that about anyone before she's all I'm thinking about as I drift off to sleep.

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