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(Y/ns pov)
Yesterday Draco and I kissed and he told me not to tell anyone but I told Ginny she's my best friend and I trust her not to tell anyone I just couldn't help the way he made me feel something about him maybe he's changed after last year I hope at least it would be unfortunate if he hadn't because he's actually hot now let's just say first and second year we're not his years I don't get why he's actually being so nice to me now it's strange as I'm lost in my thoughts professor snape slams his hand on the desk in front of me "and what is the answer miss potter?" I don't know I barely understand anything he's talking about I've never been good at potions "mhm stop daydreaming about god knows what and PAY ATTENTION!" He spats at me "yes sir" as the class goes on I'm paying attention but I'm so lost I don't understand any of it I know he knows because once again he asked me a question "miss potter what's the next step?" I don't know and he knows that I don't I could hear him scoff "pity might as well just blow up the whole classroom with just an estimation because you clearly are not paying attention!" That's not true I was! I just don't understand but that doesn't fly with snape you must understand "mr malfoy what's the next step?" He asked him "professor I'm sure y/n knows she just doesn't think she's right." He was sticking up for me? "Well is he right miss potter?" He asked me "yes professor." No he wasn't I didn't know the answer at all what is Draco doing? "Well just say it." I sighed knowing I was going to be wrong but when I opened my mouth let's just say it did not correlate with my thoughts at all. "You add four leaves of mugwort." He seemed pleased "correct but I'd like to see you after class." Oh great he went back to teaching and a piece of parchment shaped like a bird flew towards me I caught it and opened it on the inside was a note that read "darling I noticed that you didn't know the answer so I used a charm so you would know the answer I hope it helped you. Yours Draco" I smiled slightly and put the parchment in my book and when class was over I stayed like he asked but just before I could say anything to him "mr malfoy stay as well please." He walks over to stand next to me as snape stood in front of us "so miss potter I would like for you to get better at potions so Draco is going to help you and mr malfoy never hex a student even if it's for the hood you begin your study session now when I return you must be able to tell me three things that you learned if not I will not force Malfoy to waste his time on you." He says before walking out of the room "sorry I got you in trouble." I say to Draco "don't worry about it it wasn't for him it was for you anyway so it was worth it." I couldn't help but smile he bit his lip as he stepped closer to me and placed his hand under my chin to make me look up at him my face probably red and I had huge smile on my face he just smirked "so I must teach you three things and you must remember can you do that darling?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know how good of a teacher are you?" He smirks "a pretty great one." He says leaning down to kiss me as his lips touched mine I know I didn't want it end but since everything good thing must come to an end it ended and he began helping me with potions if I got something correct he kissed me and if I got something wrong he rubbed my thigh re telling me the answer and how he knew that when snape came back I was in fact able to tell him three things I learned we then headed off to dinner I sat at the griffindor table and he sat at the slytherin table I of course was sitting next to Ginny when she whispered into my ear "studying potions with malfoy I see." There was a smirk on her face I brushed it off when harry looked at me rather concerned "y/n I need to talk to you in the common room after dinner." I nod and eat my food once we had finished we headed back to the common room when we got there Harry pulled me aside and told me about buckbeak Hargrids hippogrif that he had been sentenced to death that made me furious "what should we do?" I ask "there's nothing we can do." Those words made me sad I loved that bloody bird i can't believe it he then told me about how Sirius black being our godfather but that man killed our parents he was their friend and he betrayed them I can't believe it this is so much to handle all at once I needed a minute to process this "y/n I know this is all hard to hear but i can't leave you in the dark like this because I love you and your my sister and best friend you have the right to know." He's right I do have the right to know that my godfather is a murderer "it is hard to hear but I needed to hear it thank you Harry." He nodded "anytime." I smile "I love you to by the way." He hugs me then we go our separate ways to our dorms when I got there i had a letter on my bed from Draco.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I wrote it half asleep so yeah it was a lot on my small sleepy brain but I had forced myself to get it out anyway till next chapter <3

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