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(Y/ns pov)
I picked up the letter and opened it and it read darling I had a great time studying potions with you perhaps we could do it again? If you want to just let me know and I'll definitely help you i don't want snape getting you in trouble. Yours Draco

That was so sweet Draco truly was sweet maybe he had changed I put the letter on my side table and fell asleep thinking about Draco.

*the next day*

So much happened yesterday I had to study potions with draco and Harry told my that Sirius black was our godfather and that he betrayed our parents that was a lot to take in today will be a different day I hope one drama free hopefully but being a potter there is nothing drama free but let's just hope for the best.

As I'm walking in the corridor I bumped into someone "oh my sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say "oh no worries." I looked up for my eyes to meet the boy I Believed to be Blaise Zabaini "Blaise right?" I asked just to be sure of myself "yes that's me you must be y/n I've heard plenty about you." What is he talking about? "Oh yeah I bet you have look I've got to run but this was fun." I say with a chuckle "mhm perhaps more fun then you have with Draco." I didn't respond and just walked away I didn't get what he was implying but it didn't matter I had to much on my mind right now that's when I saw him Draco walking towards me "y/n hey we need to talk." He said as he pulled me into an empty class room "about what?" I ask "you haven't told anyone about us right?" Us? Us? Us? "Us? What do you mean by that?" I asked with pure confusion " you know everything that's happened." No no I don't know yeah sure we've kissed a few times and he's rubbed my thigh a few times but nothing is really happening between us "would you mind elaborating?" I ask he looks at me I couldn't tell what his face meant "you know the things we've done you haven't told anyone right?" Why is he even asking me this "if your talking about what's happened between us in the potions class room no I haven't told anyone." I knew that was a lie because I told Ginny she's my best friend I couldn't not tell her "okay good I was worried for a minute." I bet he was "but it seems you did." I say back to him he looks at me confused "what do you mean?" Is he really playing dumb "I ran into Blaise earlier and it seems you talk about me a lot." His face went from confused to concern "listen to me very carefully stay away from him don't speak to him again." He said to me so seriously I've never heard him talk like this "and why should I do that?" I question "just don't promise me you won't." What is he hiding from me "fine." Was all I said "say you promise." He implied "okay i promise." I say for him not to say it again "thank you darling." I don't know what it is but I love it when he calls me nicknames "Draco can I ask you something?" I asked him "mhm" he replied "what are we?" He looked at me with confusion "what do you mean?" He asks "I mean are we just a casual enemies with benefits or are we something more than that?" What was I doing I wanted to retract my question but it was to late "well not exactly I don't know what we are but we are not enemies." That made me feel better ish "oh okay." I say a bit hurt I expected him to say that I was his girlfriend or something but I guess I'm not which is fine I can live with that or maybe I can't I don't know I look down at the ground and he lifts my chin to look at him "you are so special to me and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen you make me feel things I never knew i could feel but I can't give you the answer you want and I'm sorry for that." What is he saying? "I get it it's fine." I didn't get it at all "I lo-care about you I really care about you." He almost said he loved me "okay I care about you too." He smiles the places his lips on mine and he slids his hand onto my cheek and pulls me closer by the waist with his other hand and keeps me there with his grip as the kiss deepens I start to think that maybe if he had told me he loved me I would've said it back because I think I'm in love with him.

*a few hours later*

I'm with Harry Hermione and Ron we were on our way to see hagrid but on our way we run into draco "ah come to see the show?" He said "you you fowl little cockroach!" Hermione said to him as she put her wand up to his neck "Hermione no! He's not worth it." Ron said so she lowered her wand and then punched him square in the face I wanted nothing more than to ask if he was okay but I knew it would raise suspicion and I didn't want that so I said nothing as draco ran back into the school "that felt good." Hermione spoke and we carried on down to hagrid we see buckbeak laying down he saw us and got excited he really was a great bird i love it and am sad he's being sentenced to death.

When we go into Hagrids hut Harry and him are carrying on a conversation I wasn't paying much attention when a glass vase broke when we investigated we found a rock we were all confused when Harry said "ow!" He turned around and started panicking "we need to leave the mister is here!" We exit out the back door and hide behind some pumpkins we then heard a snap in the woods behind us we Hermione turned around "what is it?" Harry asked her "nothing I thought I just saw never mind." We then leave when we got up to the rocks were draco was moments before we saw buckbeak get executed hermione began to cry and hugged Ron who was holding scavers the rat Hagrid have given to him in his hut harry hugged me when Ron's rat bit him and took off down the hill.

Hi my loves! Sorry I've been so inactive I'm trying to be more active anyway till next chapter <3

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