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(Y/n pov)

Ron chases after him and we chase after Ron and it just so happens we were standing at the wimping willow as we shout at Ron to run he starts shouting at us to run because the "grim" is behind us when it was just a large dog it zooms straight past us and to Ron dragging him into an opening for the tree we go to follow when the tree starts acting up I made it no problem but chose to wait for Harry and hermoine and your probably wondering how did I do that? Well I made a run for it and dove if you will finally Harry and hermione make it inside "wait we're in the shrinking shack!" Hermione said we brushed it off and went to find Ron we find him and he says "it's him it's him!" What was he talking about? We look over to where he was pointing and see Sirius Black our god father the man who killed our parents "IT YOU!" Harry spat "YOU GOT OUR PARENTS KILLED!" I spat when Sirius spoke "no it wasn't me it was someone else." Just then Remus came in and hugged Sirius "NO I TRUSTED YOU AND ALL THIS TIME YOUVE BEEN HIS FRIEND!" Hermione yelled and Remus looked at her we all did "he's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes." She spoke again "how long have you known?" Remus asked "as soon as snape set the essay."she replied just then snape came in and long story short harry attacked him and we were all shocked "STOP LYING TELL ME WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!"he was right we did "I didn't sell your parents out it was someone else and he's in this very room!" Sirius spoke again "you're lying it was you!" I say when Remus spoke "now y/n I thought so to till Harry mentioned seeing perigrew on the map." What map? "The map was lying then!" Harry said "THE MAP NEVER LIES COME OUT COME OUT PETER!" Sirius began and next thing I know things were happening fast I didn't catch it all basically Ron rat was Peter all along and they tried to kill him but Harry decided we'd give him to the dementors instead and clear Sirius's name but the moon had risen and Remus turned into a werewolf and before I know it were in the hospital wing.

"You have to believe us professor!" Hermione said to dumbldore "I do but I don't think the word of four 13 year old wizards will convince a few others." Dumbldore went on talking about time and that if we succeeded more then one innocent life could be spared and that three turn's should do it hermione put a necklace around me and Harry and turned it 3 times Ron couldn't walk so he couldn't come "7:30 where were we at 7:30?" Hermione said "uhm I don't know going to hagrids?" Harry replied "okay come on and we can't be seen!" We start running and have to stop because we see us and draco we relived the moment that hermione hit draco and had to move because he was coming we hid on the side and waited for us to leave then we ran and hid behind some pumpkins when fudge came hermione threw rocks at us and we hid behind trees because we were coming out the back door "is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" Hermione said "hermione." Harry said and we hid once again "what is it?" Harry asked "I thought I just saw never mind." Hermione said and they took off then we took buckbeak and made a run for it then we made it to the tree and had to wait we couldn't do anything but stay there then we had to get away from Remus who was chasing us in werewolf form and buckbeak saved us from him then we ran to help Sirius Harry used the patrons charm to get the demtors to go away then we used buckbeak to save Sirius "oh the two of you are so like your father but not your eyes you have-" me and Harry interrupted him "our mothers eyes." We say in usion "yes yes." He then looked to hermione and got up onto buckbeak "you really are the brighter witch of your age." He said to hermione and flew off then we ran to the hospital wing and waited for us to disappear and went it Ron started speaking fast "what's he talking about guys?" Hermione asked "I don't know."  I say "yeah honestly Ron how could someone be in to places at once?" Me and Hermione laughed.

The next day we went into the great hall Harry had a present it was a fire bolt the fastest broom a feather came with it we were going to see him fly it but I was pulled away and pulled into an empty class room by draco "what do you want?" I say to him "woah no hey or how's it going?" I just stared at him "look the year is over and I just wanted to say that I'll write to you promise you'll write back?" He said "I can't promise that my uncle is horrible I can't let my owl out at all." I say and he speaks "okay I understand but I'll still write to you let me know that you get them next year?" I nodded "I will." Then he kissed me one last time before leaving the classroom I stayed there for a minute before leaving I went and found Harry and he was flying his firbolt I was so happy for him we got on the train and headed home for the summer I didn't want to go back but we had to me and Harry hated going back there but had no choice but we laughed with Ron and hermione the whole way there.

A lot just happened but this is the end of year 3 I hope you enjoyed it! Year 4 is next! Till next chapter my loves <3

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