Julie Joyful x Female! Emotionless! Reader

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T: " The Emotionless and the Energetic.."

CHS: Julie Joyful and Y/N

Julie's gender: Female, she/her

Y/N's gender: Female, she/her

F/M = Favorite Music


Y/N's POV:

I was chilling in my house, listening to music while drawing. I was the only one who is emotionless, keeping a serious and expressionless face. But yet, the emotions I feel doesn't show in the outside. I was listening to F/M, still drawing. There was a knock in the door, but I was unaware.

3rd POV:

The door knocked again, then the person just opened the door itself. And it was Julie, she seemed excited to see Y/N. Julie notices that Y/N was listening to music, so she decided to sneak.. She slowly tipped toed to Y/N then gave her a surprise hug from the behind.

Back to Y/N's POV:

I felt a hug behind me, but I knew who was it. I removed my headphones away from my ears as I stopped drawing, then looked Julie on my shoulder.

" Do you need anything, Julie? " I said in a monotone tone as usual.

" Oh- Nothing! Just wanted a hug from my favorite. " Julie replied, then I nodded in response.

Julie notices the drawing while she was still hugging me from behind, I also noticed this then immediately hid the drawing in embarrassment.

" Heyyy- Why did you hid your drawing??  " Julie said as she tried to grab my sketchbook, I notice this then I immediately grabbed it and stretched my arm in the sky so that Julie cannot reach it.

Julie tried to catch my sketchbook, but she was 4ft and I'm 6ft, I think it's impossible for her to catch it easily.

She still yet tried to grab my sketchbook, but we ended up falling to each other. I blinked. Julie blinked. She immediately sat up and apologized for a multiple times, I could tell she was blushing a lot. My face remained expressionless..

" Julie, it's okay.. " I said, putting my hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. Julie finally calm down then continued to cuddle with me.


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