Mob! Wally Darling x GN! Reader

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T: " Stop ignoring me. "

CHS: Mob! Wally, Mob! Julie, Mob! Howdy and Y/n

Y/N's gender: GN (Gender-natural), they/them

Mob! Wally's gender: Male, he/him

Mob! Howdy's gender: Male, he/him

And Julie is female (genderfluid) as she uses she/her, I believe.

TW: Swearing (cuz the reader doesn't even take the shit seriously)

(This is requested by @RandomThingsOfMe


Y/N's POV:

I was going home by walking on the streets in the middle of the night. My job was just handling some accounts and dealing some shitty asses fights. What a Karens.. Well- I wore a business woman clothing- I look hot, though- I checked the time in my watch, it was 12:13AM. How many minutes or hours I will extend to get in my home.. I just want to sleep or read wattpad right now. Or just watch tiktok.

I could just tell someone is watching me from behind. I swear to god bro- If that's a damn stalker, I will definitely end that person's career. I turned my head around, as I stopped walking for a second. I saw no one, just the street I passed by. I shrugged then continued walking, but the feeling isn't going away.

Help me, Jesus Christ. I ain't taking this faith bro.

I'm getting panaroid again. Holy shit- I swear my thoughts are telling me to run. I turned my head again, there was no one. I sighed in relief, then suddenly, I felt something hard hit my head then my eyes blacked out.

3rd Person's POV:

It's been hours that Y/N passed out, yet, they were tied on a chair. They were unconscious, since they were hit by something hard. That's odd, very odd.. Someone was watching them, not only one- But two people were watching them as they waited for them to wake up.

Back to Y/N's POV after some hours:

I was slowly regaining conscious, I felt like I had a wet dream bro- I slowly opened my eyes, I was tied to a chair even my legs. Ah, crap. I lift my head to see my surroundings, but to my surprise, I was greeted by the sight of two people in front of me- The one in the right was a tall ass caterpillar with a fancy clothing..? With a black eyepatch on their left eye. The left one is a woman with blonde hair with  a ponytail, her left eye was stitched up.

What in the hecking ass is this??

Both of them were staring at me, weird ass motherfuckers-

" Holy mother shit- Am I getting killed? " I questioned, WHY AM I NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY-

" No, the boss wants to talk to you. " The tall caterpillar said in a monotone tone. Why is he so God damn talk, oh God-

I was about to say something until the door opened, revealing a.. short- PFFT- a short guy with some bad-ass clothing. They have a big ass spiral circle thingy on their hair, and their left eye is stitched up.

I was about to laugh, but managed to hold it.

" Hello, Y/N. Your probably wondering why you are here, no? " The person said in a bit monotone tone, I was tired of talking sooo- I just nodded my head.

(After for some days of Wally tryna convince yo ass to join his family yet you ignored him ‼️‼️)


It's been days that Wally tried to convince me to join his family, yet I just ignored him. I was not tied to a chair anymore, but my leg was chained. Fucking dammit. I was just staring at the floor for no goddamn reason. Thinking about my life decisions.

The door was opened, and you guessed it, It was Wally. Probably he is gonna convinced me to join his family again.. He walked towards to me and just sighed. Probably because of something.

" Are you gonna join my family, or not? " Wally said, in the same monotone tone. He was getting impatient.. And yet, I just ignored him.

He sighed once again, then suddenly.. He put his finger on my chin and lift my head towards him, causing me and him making eye contact.

" Stop ignoring me, Y/N.. It's making me impatient. " Wally said, and he just looked dead to my eyes.


721 Words

You decide what will happen next.

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