SkinPatch! Julie Joyful x Doctor! Reader

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T: " Be confident, Julie. "

CHS: SP! Julie, SP! Frank and Y/n

Y/N's gender: Non-binary, they/them

Julie's gender: female, she/her

Frank's gender: Non-binary, they/them

This is requested by nobody.

TW: killing, violence, swearing and blood.


Y/N's POV:

I'm one of the SkinPatch , a 'doctor'. But I'm not talking about a real doctor, other members call me a 'doctor', since I cut off my victim's skin, and for some reason I wear like a doctor. Frank is also a 'doctor', yeah we're killing buddies. I was in my office, cutting some skin off my victim's face. At least they are dead. Eddie and Sally are scientists who make a deadly chemical in order to kill their victims, and tests some of their 'experiments'.

I was still doing my thing, until I heard my door open, only revealing Julie. Julie is the one who checks everyone to check if they are doing their jobs, she isn't a killing type, more like a paranoid one.

" Do you need anything, Julie? " I said while cutting the skin off my victim's face. She saw what I was doing, but she was used to it.

" Frank wants to see you.. " Julie replied, her hair seemed to hide her half face. I sighed as I stopped what I was doing, then turned around.

" Lead the way. " I said, there was blood- only a little on my white, long jacket. She nodded then began to lead the way. I saw Frank waiting on a hallway, they are bloody mess, oh god.

" What is it, killing buddy? " I questioned Frank, they cleared their throat.

" One of my victims escaped from my office, wanna kill them together? " Frank replied, I gave them a nod. Then we did what we need to do.

(After that..)

Me and Frank began to clean ourselves, my jacket looks bloody.. So I remove it first. And we also began to clean our 'tools'. Julie was there watching us, she seemed.. flustered when I'm around. She even stutters. I don't know anymore, dude.


344 Words

I will show you more information about my AU, probably the next chapter.

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