Opposite! Howdy x Emotionless! Shopkeeper! Reader

445 8 35

T: " You look.. ugly like a flower. "

CHS: Opposite! Welcome Home and Y/n

Y/N is GN- they/them. Frank is they/them in here!

TW: Bullying, Self-harm and swearing

(Reminder: As the TW says, there will be mentioning self-harm, bullying and swearing in here. So, please- you can skip the chapter if your uncomfortable!)


(You should listen The Mind Electric - Demo 4 while reading this lmfao)

Y/N's POV:

I'm the second shopkeeper in this neighborhood. I sell flowers or seeds. There are also some shovels, and other things that needed for gardening. My best friend, Frank, always go in my store to visit me or buy something.

The neighborhood is good, the only problem is that I always get bullied by other neighbors (expect for Frank). They do sometimes ruin my garden, even my moth Garden.

They always talk shit about me. Calling me shitty ass names.

I swear I want to kill my self.

Hearing their voice wants me to cut myself every. Single. Day. If they are gonna ruin My store, I will fucking ruin their career.

I was inside my store, sitting on the chair in the cashier counter. I kept an eye on everything and checked everything if I missed anything. I was bored.

But maybe.. cutting myself will satisfy my boredom? Maybe.. But I should make sure that no one is here.. I looked around, I saw no one. Perfect.

I grabbed the knife I've using, then I rolled my sleeves up, revealing a HUGE amount of scars on my wrist. Then I started cutting myself.

But the fact, I didn't knew someone entered the room.

Howdy's POV:

I was smoking in my store, and yes, I was bored as fuck. Maybe I should bully Y/N again. Hah, they're pathetic.

Should I give them a visit? Yeah, I should. I walked out my storr and silently went through Y/N's store.

The supplies seemed to be same like one (1) week ago. I noticed them in the cashier counter, they were doing something..


Back to Y/N's POV:

I was still violently cutting myself, until I saw Howdy. I froze. Shit, he's about to found out.. I immediately roll my sleeves back into it's old position. Then hid the knife.

" Hello, Howdy.. Are you here to bully me again..? " I said, hiding my wrists. I hope Howdy doesn't saw that..

He grabbed my wrist then rolled my sleeves up, revealing the.. Well, the fresh cuts. He looked at me, dead in the eyes.

" Y/N, you didn't even told me you do Self-harm..  " Howdy said, touching the cuts on my wrists using his thumb. Bro, it hurts.

(After for some minutes has passed..)

Howdy was putting bandages on my wrist. He seemed.. to care about me?

Well.. That's strange.


472 Words

Me in the future 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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