The Cruelty of the Sea.

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The scene opens up over the ocean. The white clouds above are beginning to cover the sky. The clouds soon began to blanket the sky as they began to turn grey. They soon began to darker as lightning started to flash within them, then followed by the roll of thunder in the sky.

In the horizon, something braking through the surface of the water can be seen as it moves under the cover of the storm. In fact, another can be seen cutting through the water next to the first one.

What exactly are we seeing?

A pair of four triangular dorsal fins breaking the surface of the water like shark fins. The first fin on each of them is medium, the second fin is the biggest, and the third briefly matches the first fin, and the last fin is small. All four fins are in a single row for each owner of the fins. The four fins of the first individual are bigger than the four fins of the second individual.

Below the surface of the water, you can see that these aren't some unkown species of shark. Instead, they appear to be reptilian or dinosaur-like in appearance. Like a giant species of spinosaur.

Both have long snouts filled with sharp teeth, medium long length necks with gills on the sides, and yet they also have a pair of nostrils. They also have four limbs, their hands are webbed with four sharp claws on each hand, non-webbed feet with three toes, and claws on each. They also have a webbed fish fin on their heads like a mohawk, a smaller pair on the sides of their heads that look like fin ears, a larger pair on the sides of their heads that act as frills, and a flat webbed tail fin at the end of their long tails. Their skin is similar to that of a crocodilian, but more armored on the torso. They also have black stripes along their bodies, four arm spikes on each arm, and both have different colored skin.

The second one has grey colored skin with a pale yellow underside, and green eyes. This one is the female.

The first one is a bit larger, and has darker red skin, a silver grey underside, and a serrated dewlap similar to an iguana, and bright yellow eyes. This one is the male.

Amongst the two is a third individual that's much smaller than the two adults. Swimming along between the two is their male offspring, just a few years old. Unlike the adults, his dorsal fins on his back are small triangular bumps, and haven't fully developed yet, same with the dewlap under his throat. He has his mother's green eyes, and seemed more like a smaller version of his father.

The adults swam side by side of their offspring protectively as they cruised about in the open ocean. As they did, they were nearing an area full of rocks, and crevices. They swam above the rocky trenches below them, not knowing that they're being watched.

Hiding amongst the rocks, both above, and below the waves, are a group of mermaids.

Unlike the stories told in fairytales, mermaids are vicious, narcissistic, and unpredictable beings. They have a base form, which is their human sized beautiful selves, and a giant form which is their more monstrous side. Speaking of which, these mermaids are on the hunt, and they have spotted their prey...

... the sea monsters.

Some of the small mermaids are armed with spears, same with a couple of the ones who are in their giant forms.

Then, one of the larger mermaids swam toward the Titanosaurs with their claws and began to slash at the titanosaurs, causing them to roar in pain.

The male reptilian sea monster retaliated by latching their jaws on the giant mermaid's shoulder, causing her to scream out in pain as more mermaids began to close in.

The offspring squeaked in terror at the sight of the violence now ensuing. The female then began to swat or chomp down on any of the mermaids that got close too her son, and then held him close as she began to dive down to the rocks and trenches down below.

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