Friendly Outing.

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A quick recap. Tyler, had just recently been introduced to the Gillman's after getting hit by their car last night, then brought home to stay with them, and then he's introduced to the rest of Gillman's.

They're still surprised that he's never heard of a kraken until now. They're also just as surprised to know that he's the sea monster from the news. He hadn't elaborated further about anything else, because no one asked him anything else about himself yet, and he hadn't eaten anything since the day before yesterday.

"Alright, breakfast is, I mean, late breakfast, or brunch, is served." Arthur Gillman said as he placed a plate of food in front of Tyler, who's now sitting at the dining table of the Gillman's house.

The others sat down at the table as well, because everyone is still curious about their new household resident. Their new resident stared at the plate of food in front of him. Though he's unsure if it's technically food to him, only because he's never had it before.

... And the fact that it seems to be kelp or seaweed. Some of it was on a thick slice of French toast, and some of it was on the side with two slices of... he's not even sure.

"Uh, what kind of food is this called?" Tyler asked with an arched eyebrow

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"Uh, what kind of food is this called?" Tyler asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Boiled kelp on French toast, with more kelp on the side." Agatha explained.

Ruby's POV:

We're all sitting at the table, and staring at the stranger that Mom and Dad brought home with them from the hospital. He seems trustworthy, but I'm not sure. It's only because we just met him, and none of us know a whole lot about him aside from the fact that we now know that he's a sea monster known as a Titanosaurus. It's pretty weird knowing that his species sounds like the name of a sauropod species. It's still unbelievable knowing that he's never heard of a kraken until he met Mom and Dad.

At the moment, he's just staring at his food like it's weird to him. Actually now that I think about it, I don't I don't know what he eats, or if he can even eat kelp.

"Do you... not eat kelp?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, no. It's not something I've ever thought about eating before." Tyler said.

"Then what do you normally eat?" I asked.

"Almost anything that bleeds." He said.

He then opens his mouth, and his teeth become sharp like a crocodile for a second then returning to normal. Well, normal for his human disguise. What he said was kind of unnerving. Especially when you consider that he's now gonna be under our roof. The fact that you have a carnivorous sea beast living with you can be unsettling to anyone.

Ruby Gillman and the Teenage Sea Monster.Where stories live. Discover now