Meet the Gillmans.

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I forgot to mention that I had help from DemonicDeku1 in the previous chapter. I also had help from them for this chapter as well. Big thanks to them for this.

Anyways, I should explain that there will be many chapters that take place before the film so that my OC has time to fit in, and establish himself as part of Oceanside. There's also other characters, and creatures I'd like to add.

Now without further ado, here's the next chapter, and you can probably guess what happens just from the title of the chapter.









The sea monster continued to lumber through the woods as it searched for a spot to rest. Each step it made shook the ground around it, and the occasional tree was toppled over.

He soon stopped when it found a denser area of the woods. He can definitely use this spot as cover in order to perform that trick his mentor taught him.

The beast then hunkered down as low as he could below the trees, even though he can't get any lower. His form began to shrink down, and his form disappeared behind the trees.



Somewhere near the shore, two female figures can be seen walking out of the water, and onto dry land.

"Phew!" One of them said.

The first girl sounded familiar, and the second girl spoke in a familiar Russian accent.

"Finally! I'd thought we'd never get here." The second girl said.

"Me either."

These two sound familiar, because they're Pearl, and Cala Maria! The two mermaids that went after the Titanosaurus from earlier in the day have reached Oceanside, and are now in human disguises.

"So whats step two in finding this thing?" Cala asked.

"That bastard couldn't have arrived here without leaving a clue. A sea monster that big doesn't hide easily on dry land without leaving evidence." Pearl explained.

The duo then heard sirens, and they turn to see where the source is coming from.

Far from where they are, they see flashing blue and red lights surrounding another part of the shoreline.

"Hmm." Cala hummed in thought.

"Either it's more humans causing trouble for themselves, or someone had spotted him." Pearl said.

"Spotted who?" Another feminine voice spoke up.

The two jumped as they turned around to see someone wearing dark clothes, but they could see their irises glow in the shadow of the hoodie they're wearing as they glared at the two mermaids. The two recognized their voice, as well as their eyes, and they knew who this is.

"Nerissa?!" They both exclaimed in shock.

"H-How did you know we were here?!" Pearl stuttered nervously.

"I followed you." Nerissa said simply.

"You followed us? But I thought you were-" Cala said, but was interrupted by Nerissa.

Ruby Gillman and the Teenage Sea Monster.Where stories live. Discover now