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JUNE 2023
june 26th

dontechlostan posted to stories

dontechlostan posted to stories

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orlafinneran posted to stories

"Would you ever want to get Married?" Paul asked Orla as they laid in bed together, her head resting against his chest as he held an arm over her bump

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"Would you ever want to get Married?" Paul asked Orla as they laid in bed together, her head resting against his chest as he held an arm over her bump.

"Yeah, It would be nice, I assumed a few years down the line it'd be brought up" Orla replied

"How do you mean?" Paul questioned raising his neck to look at her clearer, letting her hair fall to the inside of his arm.

"Dunno, guess i just assumed you were opposed to  all that cause of your last relationship, I would be, but if you want to, I'm in" Orla answered, she had always thought, had they stayed together that she and Paul would probably be married already.

"I'm in too" Paul nodded, Orla smiled and kissed his cheek which caused him to grin.

"Did we just propose to eachother?" Orla chuckled realising what they'd just done.

"I guess so" Paul nodded.

JUNE 2023
june 27th

"Oh my god, you two are nuts" Tilly chuckled over the phone, having just found out that Orla and Paul had gotten proposed.

"Were going to get some cheap-ish rings in town on Sunday and announce it on my private, but i wanted to tell you, and ask you if you'd be interested in being this baby's godmother" Orla told Tilly who let out a squeal.

"Yes, a million, trillion times Yes" Tilly nodded quickly.

"How's filming going?" Orla asked, intrigued about Tilly's newest project.

"I wrapped at nine this morning after a night shoot" Tilly replied.

"That's brilliant, I bet you're swatting away the role offers" Orla replied

"I wish" Tilly chuckled. "I got offered to go back to Eastenders, but it'd feel like im back-peddling" Tilly sighed.

"You would be if you took it" Orla replied honestly "What about doing a play?" Orla suggested.

"Maybe, I just feel like the second i do it, my luck will turn and then i won't be able to accept them" Tilly explained.

"I get what you mean, would you be interested in a short film or something?" Orla questioned, her short with Lucien was doing well, perhaps making one alone would be a good idea.

"Maybe" Tilly nodded, she'd done two but she enjoyed them both.

"When I come back, we can talk about it and maybe get it done" Orla suggested, Tilly nodded in agreement and Orla smiled at her through the phone.

sorry i went awol... the lack of content means a lack of inspo and the urge to recast again , anyways i hope you enjoyed this.....

have this orla coded tumblr post

have this orla coded tumblr post

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