Chapter 1- Coach Dames

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"Mom, where's my hockey gear?" Brandon calls down the hall. "It's in the box labeled hockey stuff, dumbass." His sister, my daughter, Bailey shouts back. "Bailey dont call your brother a dumbass. But she is right Brandon." I call from my room.

We have recently moved across the country from Washington to Michigan. I was offered a better salary as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Being a single mom of two is hard as hell. With neither of them driving yet, it's ten times harder.

I grew up here in Michigan but moved away to Washington with the twins father at eighteen. About three years after I gave birth to the twins, their father, Tom, ran off with some brunette from work. I was only 21 and still in college, being a single parent with no "village" to help me.

I help Brandon find his hockey gear and Bailey find her dance bag. Theses two kids run me up a hefty athletic bills but I love seeing them enjoy themselves. We all pile into my car. "I want shotgun!" Bailey screams while making a mad dash to my car. Brandon trying to push her out of the way. I laugh, those two make my heart swell.

Growing up, I had two older brothers, Bill and George. I understand Bailey to a tee! We drive to the new arena that Brandon will be at. Back in Washington, Brandon broke three high school records as a freshman. Then broke the same three plus a fourth one as a sophomore.

We arrive at the arena. "Mommm, do I have to go inside?" I give her the mom glare, as my kids call it. She unbuckles her seat belt as a result. We all walk in together and I'm greeted at the front desk by a sweet older woman. "Hi dear. What can I help you with?" She says with a large smile. "I would like to sign my son up for U15 hockey. I hope we aren't too late to sign up." She waves a hand at me. "No,no, no honey. You're right on time. Tryouts are starting in forty-five minutes. You can go through those doors into the locker room. Mom, you can stay with me to fill out some paper work."

Bailey and I follow this sweet lady into an office where I am met with a beautiful younger looking version of the other lady. "This is my daughter, Brandy Nicholson. I'm Eunice Nicholson. My family and I own this whole arena. Brandy will help you here with paperwork. Ta-Ta." Eunice says, before shuffling out.

" Hi, I'm Margret, but you can call me Maggie. This is my daughter, Bailey. My son, Brandon, is the one who will be playing here." I say sticking out a hand. Brandy excepts it with a welcoming smile. She hands me a stack of papers and we go through them together. We get to the finances page and I cringe at the number.

2,500 dollars? Just to be on the team! Shit, I mean I have the money but damn. "The price doesn't cover jerseys, sticks, skates, equipment or travel fees." I look at Brandy like she has just spoken Italian to me. "Why is that fee so much?" I ask confused. Brandy let's out a deep sigh before starting. "The coach is one of the best in the world. He's played in college, minors and majors. He feels he needs to be paid as such. We respect it, we've won every playoffs game since 2012 under his coaching."

We finish going over the logistics of everything before she gives me a tour. Bailey huffs and puffs complaining about how tours are considered an unsanctioned activity according to her dance teacher. She's excellent is ballet and contemporary. She's played Clara in the Nutcracker when she was 12. She beat out 26 other applicants all older than her. Shes currently trying out for the black swan in swan lake. I'm beyond proud.

Once the tour is complete, Brandy takes us to the arena where tryouts will be conducted. Bailey and I sit on the bench hip-to-hip in an attempt to stay warm. " Is it always so cold in here? I'm used to the cold but man it's freezing?" I say to another parent still by me. The woman let's out a belly laugh. "Here take a blanket. I have extras." She slides over closer to us.

"I'm Stacey, Asher's mom. You are?" I smile a warm smile toward her. "I'm Maggie, Brandon's mom! We just moved to Michigan not even a week ago." We make small talk before the boys come out into the ice. Well I thought it was the boys but apparently it's the coaching staff. " Greyson Dames, the one in the middle. He's the head coach. Ugh he's so hot." Stacey says fake fanning herself.

I do agree with her. He is pretty cute. Until he opens his mouth. His voice isn't an issue, the words he saying is. " If you're a fucking slow skater, can't fight, or have never had an assist. Get out of my arena." I'm shocked. Brandon has had coaches be cut-throat but never this intense. Tryouts go pretty well until the end.

Coach Dames skates over the where the parents are sitting. "Who's the parent of Brandon Ramstine?" I slowly stand up from the bleachers. "See me in my office after tryouts." He growls. "Girl, he has the hots for you." Stacey says as I just roll my eyes at her. Tryouts come to an end and everyone has an envelope.

I give Bailey my keys. I tell her to wait for her brother and then go to the car. I walk out of the arena and make my way to Coach Dames office. He's sitting there waiting for me. "Margret,your son is extraordinary. Hes playing like a college student at fifteen. I'd like to move him up to our Tier 1 AAA team. It's only the best of the best." Coach Dames says as he checks me straight out.

His eyes wander from my eyes to my chest to my hips and back to my eyes. It's been a while since I've been straight checked out. Sure, I've gone on dates every once and a while. But sex? Out of the equation, between my kids schedules and my own. I don't have time for it. At the end of the day, the minute I hit the pillow I'm out.

"How much will it all cost?" I say innocently. He adjusts under his seat. I catch him adjusting his pants too. "The team fee bumps up to 4,500 dollars. Not including anything."
My heart starts to beat fast. I know Brandon would really want to play but I can't come up with almost 5,000 dollars to pay some arrogant son of a bitch.

"Asher and Colton also are being bumped up as well. They already knew that but I still had them tryout so it looked fair." I sigh. There's no way I can afford this on top of my daughters dance and bills. I could call my parents, that's the only reason I say yes.

"Great, I'll go over some rules we have. Brandon will not smoke,snort,inject or inhale any illegal substance. Brandon will be to practice twenty-five minute early, if he is not, he is marked absent. Brandon will miss school once a week for strength training. It's not a full day mama don't worry. Speaking of mamas, Brandon's mother, must host a weekly dinner at least once before our weekends. So Thursday's we have diners to prepare for the weekend." Greyson continues to stare at my chest and it's starting to turn me on. "On top of that his mom is also required to help fundraise when we need her too." I cock my neck weirdly to show him my "you're crazy face."

I agree to all his terms,sign the papers and get the hell out of there. I feel his eyes burn into my ass. I get to the car and tell Brandon the great news. "I promise we will go out tonight after your sisters practice is over." They both cheer at my statement.

I can't shake the feeling of Coach Dames checking me out. He's super attractive but he definitely has a wife. But I don't remember seeing a ring. I guess I'll check tomorrow.


Authors note: I hope you guys enjoy this story. Comment and let me know!!

Also check out my other story called "Band vs Band"

Don't forget to vote my lovies!!

As always,

Demi <3

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