Alchemax raid

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Now that I look at it. My actions last night were really stupid. Thank god Gwen stopped me. Peter literally convinced me why vengeance and killing wasn't an option like 20 minutes before yet I completely forgot about it.

Maybe I actually have a serious problem. I got in trouble in elementary school for beating up people who annoyed me. Just after my parents died I literally shoved a bully into a trash can, cause of how shit I felt. That got me suspended.

Elementary school student getting suspended. Who would of thought that same kid would become a hero.

Whenever I felt a strong rage or sadness I seem to lose all rationality and violence is the only thing on my mind, strangely enough while I'm in this state I don't feel mad, just empty and cold. And its not poor anger management my parents got me diagnosed after my first case of violence and the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me. 

Ah well whatever if the doctor says it. I'm sure its not that serious.

Potential mental diseases aside.

Ctrl C Ctrl V school was boring as usual. The only redeeming part of the day was Gwen or Gwanda as most people in school know her as. She still wasn't exactly pleased with Miles, giving him the stink eye whenever we walked past him in school. It's gonna be kinda hard being in the middle, if a situation where the two are together arises. But Gwen doesn't actually hate Miles. Right?

Speaking of Miles he slept at his parents house last night because of what happened. Poor guy must've been going through the same shit as me. Maybe not as extreme

When he saw me in the morning he said I looked a lot more tired than usual. I just said it was because of the news that spiderman died, which he bought.

I should probably reveal my identity to him soon but I just haven't found a good time. Maybe I'll do it tonight after my speech.

I've sorted out my thinking. I definitely won't be killing petty street thugs. As for big Bads I still don't know.

 Speaking off I don't know what I'm going to say, so I'm basically winging it. Right now I was on top of a building behind where MJ was doing her speech, mentally prepping myself.

"My husband peter parker was an ordinary person. He always said it could of been anyone behind the mask. He was just the kid who happened to get bit. My favorite thing about him was that he always made us feel powerful, we all have powers of one kind of another and in our own way we're all spiderman and we're all counting on you." She said ending her speech


Shoot I gotta go down now

I jumped down and landed on the podium next to MJ

"That was an amazing speech MJ." I said

"Thank you. I'm sorry about Toxin." She said

"Yeah its been rough but I'll get through it." I replied

"Are you ready for your speech." She asked

"Not really but I'll give it my best shot." I said with a nervous chuckle

"I'm sure you'll do great." She said with a smile.

Public speaking class 101 start off powerful.

"Before I start, I shall move these clouds to block out the sun." I said with a pause

They all looked up in anticipation but nothing happened

"Of course I can't do that. And in that respect Peter and I are just as powerless as you. If the sky decided to fall down now I would be powerless to stop it. Does that mean we should just sit down and do nothing because of that possibility. Of course not. Just cause we can't stop the sky falling down doesn't mean we are worthless. All of us have something special about us, and we spend our days trying our hardest to be the best person we can. I can swing around, doctors cure diseases, the police and firefighters both can save lives in their own way. It doesn't matter what abilities you have it is about how you use it. Peter wasn't spiderman because of his power, he became the spiderman because he was Peter. No matter how many times he got knocked down he would always get back up and fight because he wanted to make New York a safer place for everyone. He would go as far as laying down his life to save another life. How do I know this you might ask, its because it happened. Last night a kid wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time, but peter didn't hesitate in saving the kid over himself. That was the type of man he was and is the type of man I aspire to be. I'm not claiming to be able to fill his shoes because that would be frankly impossible with the amount of good he's done, but I will try my best to keep each and everyone of you safe, that is my promise to you. Before I end my speech I would like to tell you what I decided as my new superhero name as I don't wish to take the name of spiderman. I met a kid in the hospital once who despite being on life support 24/7 was the most lively person I met. I would often visit him late at night in the hospital because his tenacity was truly amazing. He told me how bad a name spiderkid was and suggested a whole bunch of other names for me. One which stood out to me was Toxin, cause he said I was the Toxin to bad guys. Pretty lame I know. Unfortunately this kid isn't with us today but in his honour I decided my superhero name will be Toxin. Peter saved me as a kid and that led me to where I am today I hope to be able to do the same for all of you. Thank you." I said with a bow

Oh shit here we go again(male oc x spiderverse) NewWhere stories live. Discover now