Leap of Faith

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After Miles swung off. I regrouped with the other spiderman and woman and pig?

"How's/Where's Miles." Peter/ Gwen asked

"He's grieving, but he'll get over it. He said he needed some time to think. As for where, I would say he either went to his dorm or went to where he and his uncle used to graffiti." I said

"Will he be ready by tonight." Gwen asked

"Hopefully, I believe he can sort out his feelings before then." I said

"Ok. You go scout out Kingpin's spiderman party and base. We'll go get Miles in a while." Gwen said

"Sure. See you later." I said activating my mask and heading towards Kingpin's party and base.

Gwen POV

"That was easy. I thought he would've asked more questions" Noir said

"It's probably because Gwen asked him." Peter said

"So we're going with the plan right." I said ignoring peter

"Yup. Miles is a good kid, but he isn't ready for this. Especially not after what just happened." Peter said

"You do know that Enzo's going to be pissed right." I said

"Yeah but its for Mile's own good. And you can probably calm him down" Peter said

"Okay! Let's go tell Miles." I said ignoring Peter again.

For someone who's divorced he sure likes to ship people. But does Enzo like me. Do I like Enzo. But it'll never work out we're from different universes. Whatever there's more important things to think about. Focus Gwen.

Miles POV

Why! WHY! WHY does this happen to me! It was my fault Uncle Aarons died and it was my fault Spiderman died. What did I do to deserve this. I thought chucking things around my room. My notebook fell and opened to a page with a drawing I did with Uncle Aarons.

I was so frustrated I threw that book out of the window. After a couple seconds it came back through the window. Did the book just boomerang? Is that another one of my powers, I can boomerang stuff. Before my mind got too off track Peter and the other Spiderpeople came through the window. Oh one of them just threw my book back. Wait where's Enzo

"Hey bud. You okay?" Peter asked

"We've all been there."

"You know for me it was my Uncle Ben" Peter said

"For me it was my uncle Benjamin"

"For me it was my father" 

"For me it was my best friend"

"I'm sure Enzo's lost someone close to him before." Peter/Noir/Penni/ Gwen/ Peter said

"Yeah. His parents, his mentor and his partner." I said

"So that's why he's so close to his uncle." Gwen said quietly to herself

"Miles the hardest part about this job is that you can't always save everyone." Porker said laying down his pig wisdom

"You don't get it, it was my fault he died." Miles said

"Miles we're probably the only people who do understan-"

At that moment the door begun opening. It was my roommate Ganke. All the spiderpeople jumped up on the ceiling. Ganke sat down in his seat and didn't seem to notice us.

"Left! Right!" Peter whisper shouted as Ganke moved in his seat Thankfully he was wearing headphones so he didn't hear.

Ganke was reading a comic and spun his chair round to face the door. Meaning there was no where for them to move to. 

Oh shit here we go again(male oc x spiderverse) NewWhere stories live. Discover now