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Enzo POV(6 months after the collider)

It was 5pm on a saturday and this was normally my homework time. But I was feeling lazy, so I was just lying on my bed chilling, scrolling through Tik Tok. This app really has a chokehold on my life. 

I got to stop.

I swiped off of Tik Tok and put on Trance by metro boomin and just laid there staring at the ceiling. 

Normally this is what I avoid doing, to stop myself thinking about all the people close to me I've lost. But my lifestyle these past few months really isn't healthy. The only reason I'm still kicking is because of my Spidey powers. I've been eating like one meal a day and working my ass off, not to mention on a good day I get 2 hours of sleep. 

So I'm trying to teach myself to empty my mind. Right now with music I can do it, which is a good start. I got my first 5 hours of sleep a couple nights ago. That's a record.

"....zo. ....nzo. ENZO!" 

Who said that. I thought as I opened my eyes.

I saw shit floating around my room and right above me was a portal. In the portal was Gwen?

"Damm I gotta lay off he drugs. " I said rubbing my eyes

"You've been doing drugs?!" 'Gwen' said as she came out the portal and landed on my stomach.


"Hmmm... She feels real. Maybe a bit heavier than I remember" I said putting a hand on my chin 'pondering' if this was real or not.

That earned me a cheek pinch.

"I'm Sorry-"

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"You got taller so obviously you're heavier-"

"Have you been doing drugs? Yes or no?" Gwen asked still holding my cheek

"No Mom. I haven't. I've only used drugs for medicinal purposes." I said

I mean technically it wasn't a lie. I definitely can't show her the picture of me smoking a blunt with snoop dog.

"Good." She said releasing my cheek

"Oh my god! Have you been sleeping well? Your eyebags are massive." Gwen asked touching my face again

"Yeah. Its just school and spiderman stuff...." I said as she got off me and took a seat on my bed

'Hey Gwen long time no see. My uncle died and whenever I'm alone in my thoughts I think of him. How have you been'

That's not exactly how I wanted our reunion to go.

"I'm sorry about your uncle." Gwen said

How did she know that? I mean I'm not at his house right now so I guess that sort of explains it

"Thanks. I've gotten over it though." I said sitting up

"Are you sure. You look like you've lost weight since the last time I saw you." Gwen said touching my body

"Are you sure you're not my mom in disguise." I said chuckling

"So how've you been?" I asked

"I've been..." She said

"That doesn't sound good. I'll be your therapist for once. Hit me" I said

Gwen lightly punched my shoulder.

I had my own joke used against me, this has never happened before. How am I supposed to react.

"See your joke wasn't funny." Gwen said laughing

Oh shit here we go again(male oc x spiderverse) NewWhere stories live. Discover now