Rising Volt Tacklers

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Ash and Chloe wait in the bushes, waiting for the man's next move. But he doesn't move, some other people do. They walk out from the ship and stand next to him. Ash counts a total of nine people, including the man. Three of them look around the same age as him and Chloe, one looks like they're 12, just one year older than Ash and Chloe. The rest of the people except for one look like they're 20, just like the man. The one other person seems to resemble a Drampa, and Ash can't figure out his age. He looks a little bit older, with his back hunched.

The Pikachu on the man's shoulder smiles and starts to charge electricity in its cheeks. "Pika!" It lets out a thunderbolt that spreads around the ship. Chloe looks up and nudges Ash. "Dodge!" She pulls Ash away from the bush just in time as a thunderbolt shocks the bush they were hiding in. "Pika?" The man's Pikachu turns towards the duo.

"U-Um, hi!" Chloe stutters, and gets on her feet. "Trust me- we were not--" Chloe is interrupted by the man. "Were you spying on us?" The man clutches a pokeball in his hand. "Let me handle this, Chloe." Ash says, and steps forward.

"Hi! I probably don't need to do an introduction, or do I? Please listen first. This is my girlfriend, Chloe. We were setting up camp and we heard your ship. Hopefully we didn't interrupt anything peaceful, otherwise we're sorry. Sumimasen." Ash bows and steps back.

"Omigosh, it's the champion!" The 12 year old says. "You're fine! We just landed! You're so fine," She looks around, "I guess."

"Oh, the champion! My name's Friede. We're the," The man says. "Rising Volt Tacklers!" Him and his crew say in unison. "Nice to meet you! You too, Chloe. Sorry about the thunderbolt. Captain gets excited sometimes."

"My name's Orla, the RVT Mechanic." A 20 year old says.

"Mollie. Nice to meet you." Another 20 year old says.

"Murdock." Another 20 year old adds.

"Dot, age 12."

"My name's Avvika Leyne! I'm a big fan! Especially because I'm your age!"

"U-Um, nice to meet you, I'm Liko."

"I'm Roy! I'm from an island in Kanto!"

"My name's Ludlow, nice to meet you. I'm a little bit old."

"You know me, but again, I'm Ash."

"I'm Chloe Cerise, daughter of Professor Cerise. From Vermillion City."

"Hey, I know you! Or at least I know your father!" Roy says.

"Come on in, join us for a meal! Murdock makes delicious donuts." Friede says, and holds out a hand. "We have curry, too." Ash runs back to grab the pot. He shows the delicious curry to the crew, and the boys mouth water. "It's good." They board the ship and are led to a dining room. 

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