Team Rocket Never Learns (still)

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Ash wakes up, startled. He looks around the room, and notices Chloe sitting next to him. "Chloe! I'm glad you're oka-" He hugs her, then looks at her neck. There's a long gash, and a small 'R' next to it. "What happened?" He strokes her neck.

"I don't know, they tried to mark me as a prisoner or something. The gash's from the claw. I'm okay. Mollie healed the wounds." Chloe smiles and holds his hand. "Want me to tell you the story?" Ash nods.

into the story, Chloe's POV

"Ugh! You guys never learn!" I shout. Jessie and James restrain me to a chair in their air balloon. "And you still have this outdated-popped multiple times air balloon." I roll my eyes. 

"How dare you! We got a promotion from The Boss, and now we have you here, twerp." Jessie snarls. She picks up their black Rotom Phone and calls Giovanni. "Arriving. We didn't get Champion, but got his girlfriend."

Soon, we land in front of a run-down building or house. "Wow." James unties my legs and pushes me out of the basket. We walk into the building, and they press a button behind a broken refrigerator. I observe everything. Everything looks burnt down, and I look through a shattered window. It looks like it used to be a nice backyard, now burnt. I look around the kitchen. Something seems awfully familiar.

"Ash's house!" I realize aloud.

"Shut up, twerp." Meowth says and closes his eyes. We walk down a marble staircase and find ourselves in front of Giovanni.

"Not what I wanted, but good enough." Giovanni smiles. He takes my hand and pulls me into a bright room. "Stay here and be a good girl." He takes out a needle and sketches an R on my neck, then he smirks and leaves the room.

I realize it's my time to escape. They don't lock their doors. I laugh. I slowly crawl out of the room, and to where we entered the base. I open the door and climb out. I run away from Ash's house and send out my Altaria. "Team Rocket never learns." I scoff.

Back to third person POV

"That's how I'm here." Chloe smiles and hugs Ash. She unties his ankles and helps him up. "Ash? Are you okay?" Chloe asks.

"Mom... Why would they use my house?" Ash questions.

Ash's thoughts

Ash: "Giovanni! I'll end Team Rocket for good!"

Giovanni: "Let's battle to decide that. Actually, it seems we've already succeeded." (Points at Ash's house)

Ash: "HOW DARE YOU! MY HOUSE IS BURNT... Wait... Mama!!!" (Runs into the house, but flames block him.

Ash: "Mama, mama, mama, please..."

Giovanni: "She's gone."

Back to reality


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