Under the spell

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"Jessie! Are you ready for your first day at vampires and witches academy!?" "YES MOM!" "Victoria is at the front door waiting for you!" I struggled around my room trying to find my transfer papers for school. But honestly if I was lucky about anything then I was lucky that I met a girl named victoria over the summer. As soon as she left I went and saw what kind of slip she got and it says she got a transfer to vampires and witches academy. But I don't know why she would hide that sort of thing from me.

Chapter 1: Conquer the first day of school [:

"Victoria I have been meaning to ask you something important um are you a-." I was interrupted by a huge sound. DING DING DING WAAAAAAAAAAAA "What is that!" Victoria asked while she twirled her charm bracelet. "I don't know but I think we should run back to my house." "Ok but what if there is something what will happen with my parents?" "They will be fine I promise." "Ok." DING DING DING WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "There it is again!" "RUN!" We sprint to my house. (I guess all of that track time really paid off) "Mom What Is Happening?" "TSUNAMI! I heard the sirens and I was just about to come and get you two from school. "Where are my parents?" "Sweetie they got in a car accident and they are both in a coma." I was going to go and see them but then I heard the siren so I just called them and they asked me if I would take care of you." "WHAT! I want to see my parents right now!" "Honey there is about to be a tsunami!" "We have to get to high grounds in our shelter I'm sorry victoria but we just don't have the time to go see your parents!" "Ok but what if I never see them again!" "Then you will live with us. We need to get your father from his work Jessie!" " Come on Victoria we have to get to high grounds before the tsunami hits this side of town!"

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