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Sidney, Tatum, and Calvin were all on the bus together. Sidney sitting beside Tatum as Calvin sat in the seat in front of them, hunched over the top. "You know you could be next." Calvin teased Sidney. "Stop it, Cal. You're not funny." Tatum flicked his forehead. "Hey!" Calvin whined, "You deserved it." Sidney stated as she eyed Calvin. "Guess who's not getting an apology." Calvin sat back down in his seat as the bus stopped, Sidney getting off. 

Tatum and Calvin both put their heads out of the window, "Bye Sid, see ya later." Tatum waved. "Sorry, Sid." Calvin apologized. "So, I do get an apology." Sidney crossed her arms, turning to face the bus as it left her house. "I guess." Calvin yelled, shrugging his shoulders. 

Sidney rolled her eyes as she moved up the driveway to the front door.

Sidney was laying on her bed, on the phone with Tatum. "You sure I can stay over? My dad won't be back til Sunday." Sidney questioned. "No prob. I'll pick you up after practice." Tatum answered. "Tell your mom I said thanks." Sidney spoke. "Yeah, yeah...look, are you okay?" Tatum questioned. "Uh-huh, it's just...you know, the police and reporters...it brings it all back." Sidney answered. 

"Is that Sidney?" Tatum hear Calvin's voice echo in her ear. "Yeah, why." Tatum questioned. "She staying over still?" Calvin asked, disregarding his sisters question. "Yes, why." Tatum asked again. "Can I talk to her real quick?" Calvin requested. 

"Why Cal?" Tatum demanded, getting annoyed. "Because I want to." Calvin answered. "Fine but be quick." Tatum rolled her eyes as she handed the phone to her brother. 

"Hey, Sid." Calvin greeted. "Hey, Cal. Did you need something?" Sidney questioned. "Uh I just wanted to say sorry for today on the bus." Calvin spoke hesitantly. "It's fine but didn't you already apologize?" Sidney proposed. "Well, I wanted to give you a genuine apology." Calvin answered. 

"What if I don't accept?" Sidney teased. "Uhm I guess you can do that." Calvin spoke, embarrassed. "I'm kidding, you're forgiven. Can you give me back to Tatum?" Sidney stifled a laugh. "Oh, good I was hoping that. See ya Sid." Calvin handed the phone back to his sister.

I'll be there by seven. I promise." Tatum said, taking the phone from Calvin. "Thanks, Tatum." Sidney spoke. "Later." Tatum hung up the phone. 

Sidney was asleep on the couch when the portable phone rang. "Practice ran later. I'm on my way." Tatum spoke through the phone. "It's past seven." Sidney said, still waking up. "Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after ten." Tatum laughed. "I'm not worried." Sidney defended herself. 

"Good, 'cause I wanna swing by Blocksbuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in All the Right Movies. You know, if you pause it right you can see it." Tatum spoke. "Is Calvin with you?" Sidney questioned. "Yeah he picked me up, Why?" Tatum asked. "Whatever. Just hurry." Sidney dismissed her questioned. "Bye." Tatum hung up the phone. 

Calvin and Tatum had just pulled up to Sidney's house to see ambulance and police everywhere. "What the heck happened?" Calvin questioned getting out of the car. "I don't know." Tatum said as she ran towards the ambulance. 

"You gonna be able to come down to the station and talk to use a bit?" Dewey questioned Sidney. "Yeah." Sidney answered as Tatum appeared, barreling past an officer. "What happened? Oh Gosh..." Tatum rushed to Sidney, grabbing a hold of her as Calvin appeared behind her. 

As Calvin stops, his eyes land on Sidney as a look of concern spreads across his face. Sidney looks to him, taking her eyes off of Tatum, never seeing the amount of concern on his face before. She starts to speak but is quickly cut off by Dewey, "What are you two doing here?" He questioned. 

"Oh, Gosh, Sid, I'm sorry I was late." Tatum apologizes. "You can't be here, guys. This is an official crime scene. "It's okay. She was supposed to pick me up." Sidney protests. "Her dads out of town. She's staying with us." Tatum spoke to Dewey. "Does mom know?" Dewey questioned. "Yes, you doofus." Calvin spoke as two news vans come driving up the street. "The vultures are coming. Let's get you out of here." Sheriff Burke stated. 

Calvin and Tatum started to walk to their car when Gale Weathers started to walk beside them, "excuse me?" Gale spoke as Tatum looks up at her, "Was that Sidney Prescott they took away." Gale continued. "I don't know." Tatum said as her and Calvin got into their car. "What happened to her?" Gale questioned. "We're not talking to you." Calvin hissed as he peeled the car out of the driveway. 

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐃, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now