Chapter 1

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I was in the tardis kitchen when all of a sudden the tardis started shaking I felt myself about to fall but I caught myself quickly yaz graham Ryan Dan I yelled out before dashing down to the control room where I seen them all on the floor you ok I shouted as I tried to control the tardis yeah we're good yaz shouted I finally got a grip when suddenly it landed and all the lights powered down were out of energy and juice I said confused she's dead like run out of battery then Dan said making me smile yes Dan 10 points I said grinning oh god graham said whining don't ruin the vibe graham I said making him grin we left the tardis and I found a sign of course we're in Cardiff so I sat facing the fam let's go visit jack I said grinning we walked for ten minutes till i found the torch wood entrance and we went in as soon as we stepped in the building I heard jack yelling at someone so I sneaked in to his office and shouted rude jack I deduct ten Points doc he said grinning before hugging me tight come i said dragging him out you know the fam but this is Dan I said smiling like a looney what happened jack said after awhile so the tardis has stopped working and I think it might be a while before we get going again so your stuck with us I said Martha lives round the corner he said suddenly I'm not sure it's a good idea I said feeling guilty doc she's not angry he said grabbing my hand we had a couple of teas and jack and the fam and I went to Martha's I was really tired so jack gave me a piggy back graham knocked the door and it flung open scaring the fam making me smirk jack Martha said looking confused yeah can we come in he said to her we stood in the living room staring at each other so I'm yaz I'm graham I'm Ryan and I'm Dan the fam said they travel with the doctor jack said making Martha gasp he's ok she said tears appearing I had got a little distracted and was picking through jacks pocket ew I said pulling out something wet making yaz giggle whose this Martha said staring at me weirdly from jacks back I hopped off him and stood in front of her hi Martha I'm the doctor I sorta regenerated I said oh my she said sobbing before she hugged me tight explain she said a few minutes later looking stern oops

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