Chapter 4

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It had been a few hours and jack and nardole were looking at the tardis engines so whose bill I heard Martha said sitting beside me it's a long story I said frowning a little well start from when you left us me jack and Mickey she said I heard the fam sit in the floor near me well after that I removed donnas memories and brought her home to wilf and her mother I felt tears hit my arm I realised they were mine you miss her Martha said grabbing my hand everyday she challenged me and she new me didn't let me get away with my rudeness I said making her giggle then what she said staring at me I travelled on my own for a good while then I had a run in with the master again and basically i regenerated I sorta crash landed in a garden I met young girl Amelia she was 7 years old and alone in a big scary house anyway I got a bit distracted and ended up coming back to save her 12 years later then I meant to pop out for 2 minutes but it was two years and so I was 14 years late for Amy I said smiling at the floor I could imagine Amy glaring at me scottishly oh my god Martha said giggling anyway I travelled with Amy for a while then rory came along they got married and had a child and that was the most worst thing ever melody their daughter she was taken from birth and well she grew up trained to kill me anyway I ended up marrying her but quite a lot of things happened and Amy and Rory are now stuck in another century because of the weeping angels and I can never see them again Rory the Roman and the girl who waited I said I felt Martha hug me tight im so sorry doctor she said in my ear it's ok I then a while later met Clara and she confused me she was like rose sort of but she kept dying then one day she stopped dying and she travelled with me in the tardis i regenerated again into a grumpy Scottish man he was so angry erm Clara she died I went a bit crazy and went to galifrey and ordered Clara to be brought back she as but she had no heartbeat and she left with another person called me but I can never see her again I lost my memories of her a long time after that I started working at a university and I met bill nardole was already with me because of river or melody and we travelled for a while and she changed me made me see the world better she made me love again but then a horrible thing happened the master he came back and bill she was turned into a cyber man and then well her girlfriend puddle girl long story she saved her and now they are like ghosts that travel the universe then I got my memories of Clara back and i regenerated into me and well I met yaz Ryan and graham first then Ryan and graham went home and then I met Dan we saved the universe and then I picked graham and Ryan back up and now the fam and I save the world I finished Martha looked shocked the fam were crying I'm so sorry about the people you lost Martha said making me hug her tightly thank you Martha jones.

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