Chapter 3

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We had got a bus there I was sitting next to Martha and Dan I once new a person who stole a bus I said randomly making everyone stare at me what I said pouting you never change Martha said grabbing my hand oh I have I said staring at her the previous regeneration he was awful so rude I said making her giggle your rude she said poking my side making me smirk ten minutes later we had  arrived and Martha had knocked on the door a few seconds later the door swung open and I got the shock of my life it was nardole I gasped and stepped forward nardole I said and who are you he said in his whiny tone making me smirk you were going to name a really rubbish town after me or a pig I said I seen the fam look confused Martha and jack were staring at me as if I had lost it I seen nardoles face smile slightly how do I know it you he said nardole I said exasperation clear in my tone river gave you clear instructions I said softly to kick your ass he said finishing the sentence before a grin took over and I ran full force at him and hugged him tight im so confused Martha said we all went into the apartment and I had introduced everyone to nardole who is  he to you Martha said nardole use to travel with me and bill another old friend of mine I said staring at nardole she survived I said making him gasp really he said yeah puddle girl she saved her I said wiping a tear away oh sir he said grinning how are you here I said shocked well after you sent me to babysit the humans well it was weeks after that I went to sleep and woke up in Cardiff no clue why or how and I met Martha fate I said smiling to myself so why are  you here he said crossing his arms tardis stopped working I said making him laugh told you he said making me pout I can unscrew your head I said making yaz gasp and Martha slap my arm how about I look at the tardis he said shaking his head ok I said and we all walked back to the tardis

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