Chapter 2

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Well I said as were all sitting down after I left you jack and Mickey off I then left rose in a parallel universe again oh god she said rubbing my arm it's ok she had the other me the human one I said then I had to remove donnas memories otherwise she would die and she's happy with a man called Shaun but she doesn't know you Martha said crying she doesn't know any of us she doesn't remember any of it I said then a few things happened I was on my own again and then I had a run in with the master he's still alive she said gasping yes I said guiltily then i regenerated into a bow tie guy I said trying to lighten the mood then lots of stuff happened I met quite a few people the best people I said thinking of the ponds and river  and bad things happened then i regenerated into a Scottish old man he was old and grumpy I said making jack giggle I lost people two who changed me for the better I said thinking of Clara and bill and then i regenerated into me and well I met the fam I pointed to them and  we've had good times bad times and now here we are I finished wow she said crying I'm so happy to see you idiot I heard the door open whose that I said whispering to martha making her giggle that's Mickey she said wiping her tears away what Ricky the idiot I said making her poke me stop it she said laughing babe you here he called before coming into the front room oh you've got guests he said before leaving oi Ricky I shouted making him turn he stared at me for a minute before smiling doctor Ricky I said hugging him I introduced everyone so what's your plan martha said making me frown erm wonder around sleep in the tardis and try to find a source of energy ok martha said smirking a friend of mine has an empty flat a few blocks down he's away at the moment she said so you can all stay there she then went it ring him so I said facing the fam you doing ok whose rose yaz said looking at me I looked at jack before I sat next to yaz rose was once the love of my life I said tears appearing how do you mean graham said I met rose when she was 19 I blew her job up anyway after we sorted out the evil alien thing she travelled with me not for long because there was war between me the daleks and the cybermen and she got stuck between it and at the end of the war she got lost in a parallel universe and some years later we met again and only she had to go back to that universe with a human version of me and I will always love her but she's happy and safe where she is I said tears coming down not stopping I'm so sorry doctor yaz said hugging me anyway there was other people after rose but their dead I said clenching my fists thinking of river I heard a cough and seen Martha at the door she was full up that friend he's going away tonight he wants to meet yous she said let's roll i said fake smiling

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