Chapter 6

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I felt as the tardis hit the ground i fell on the floor is everyone ok i yelled out once we stopped moving yes they all shouted back sounding unamused lets go see i said once we were all up and about. As i walked out the doors i gasped were in new york i ran back in the tardis to see the screen i was shocked i could get amy and rory i felt tears coming down my face i cleaned my face up and joined everyone they were all staring at me bewildered we walked for a while when i noticed the area where i had sat with amy reading rivers book i sat down in the same spot trying not to cry you ok i heard donna say sitting beside me after i left you i regenerated into a bow tie man and i met this girl amy and then her husband rory years later but she saved me literally but i couldnt save her she got trapped here in new york by weeping angels and i can never see her again but the tardis crash landed here so i could see her but she might not wanna see me i said crying you stupid space idiot donna said dragging me up cmon were going to find your friends dopey. We searched all day and night but it was hopeless the next day we entered a cafe and sat down when i heard kids talking about a woman called amelia williams a famous author i found out she was doing a book signing in the local library a few hours later we entered i felt sick as we walked into the main door i heard her laugh making me gasp amelia pond i practically ran through the doors just hoping to catch a glimpse then i seen her bright orange hair rory right beside her as he should be you ok yaz said as she and everyone else caught up with me its her i said tears falling. I waited till she took a break she was whispering to rory i felt jack nudge me cmon he said grabbing my hand we walked over i felt really ill hi i heard rory say looking confused i felt jack nudge me so i did the only thing i could think of i stared at them and says hello ponds amy gasped looking angry dont she said raging who the hell are tou she said jumping on me she pinned me to the floor seriously amelia i said sighing your not him she said about to slap me i seen jack about to grab her no i said still staring at amy fish fingers and custard i said ot was then she broke down sobbing hugging me tight doctor she said i grinned pond i muttered in her ear.
We got up and i seen rory looking confused rory the roman i said staring at him no he said looking shocked you waited 2000 years for amy i said as he grinned doctor he said hugging me rory i said grinning i hugged him tighter oh ponds i said grinning meet my fam what rory said laughing i introduced everyone they all seemed to get on fine i decided to go for a walk with amy god i missed my ponds

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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