Chapter 3(Dinner and rules)

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Luciano POV

I heard the car stop and I woke up. UGH I slept cause my phone got taken away. How am I supposed to text my girlfriend Lisa. OOH before I tell you what happened when we got inside the house, I am going to tell you about my girlfriend.

So she's very beautiful we also listen to the same type of music which is such a green flag. I love her to death. My friend Ryan introduced me to her at a party we went to together. Lisa knows I'm trans and she's fine with it. Cause we don't plan on doing it cause we ain't ready for that yet. 

Ok so anyways. I took my suitcase and my backpack out of their trunk and they led me inside. Marcello yelled out. "FRATELLI COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!" Soon I heard a series of footsteps come down the stairs. My first thought of these men were like how tall are they? And why did I only get mom's short height.

"Introduce yourselves to your new brother Luciano." Alessandro said. I waved at the boys with a smile. They all just smiled back instead of the boys that looked like twins. One of them was glaring at me and the other was just looking at me up and down trying to see how I was.

"I'm Marcello the oldest." "I'm Marco and i'm 23 years old." "I'm Mateo and i'm 21" "I'm Elio and i'm 18"

Marcello spoke up. "These are the twins Dante and Romeo. They're 16." I liked Romeo better he gave off a chill vibe. But Dante was glaring my ass off. 

"What happened to Bella? Where did she go?" He growled. "Woah chill dude. You don't have to growl like a dog does." I then turned to Alessandro. "I'll tell you what happened to Bella later maybe. If we get to talk alone."

"You all can go back to what you were doing." Marcello dismissed them. "Oh wait Mateo. Can you show Luciano to his room?" Mateo looked at him, "Yeah sure. Do you need any help carrying your stuff Luci?" I shook my head and he led the way upstairs while talking about the other rooms we passed by. 

"So we have a 3rd floor and a basement but I can't imagine that your allowed to go in it." Mateo said. I raised my eyebrow. "What's in the basement?" He just shook his head.

Mateo POV

I noticed that his voice was very high pitched. But he could've just not gone through puberty yet. I was late starting puberty too. I showed him the game room but he just explained how he's tired and he wants to put his stuff in his room. 

"So these rooms are lined up by age. So your room is the last one down the hall." I said as he ran down to put his stuff down. He went out of the room in confusion. "Why is there no bed in there?" I raised my eyebrow. "Here let me call dad real quick." I took out my phone and dialed his number. "Hey dad. There's no bed in Luci's room." He replied with. "Wait let me come over there." I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.

Luci groaned and mumbled. "Ugh why did he take my phone. How am I supposed to text Lisa." I chuckled. "Who's Lisa? Is she your girlfriend?" He shook his head quickly. "No she's just a friend!"

Dad came towards us. "So what happened?" Luci explained that he doesn't have a bed. Dad checked in his room. "That's weird I set it up yesterday. You know what why not you put your stuff in there and come downstairs. Dinner's going to start in 30 minutes."

We nodded and went downstairs. Apparently Marcello was there and Luci scoffed at him. 

Luciano POV

Maybe I should ask nicely for my phone back? No fuck that I glanced to see if my phone was on him. When he got up I bumped into him which gave me time to apologize and steal my phone from him.

When he left and didn't realize it I smiled and giggled. I checked to see my messages. My phone was blowing up with messages from Lisa and Ryan. Ryan's my best friend. We used to be neighbors but he moved closer to the high school we were supposed to go.

I called Lisa and she was not happy at all. "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I didn't keep it on speaker but you could still hear it from the phone. I whispered. "My mom died. And Walt's in prison so he couldn't get custody of me. Now I'm at my father's house."

"You have a father?" She asked. I laughed. "Yeah apparently the room I was staying in doesn't have a bed so I probably have to sleep on the couch." I didn't see Marcello come up behind me. He took my phone and ended the call. "Were you there the entire time?!" He nodded. "Where did you get your phone from." I groaned. Now they're probably going to slap the absolute shit outta me. "When I bumped into you I stole my phone back. " He nodded and walked away. 

What no backhanded slap? I thought of. "What did you say?" He asked sternly. I face dropped as he said that. "What? I didn't say anything." I tried to play it off smoothly. He looked at me very unamused. But before he could say anything it was time for dinner.

They all sat down in their designated spots while I just sat down in the empty seat. No one was talking to each other and it was just quiet. Usually back at mom's house, there were junkies laying around trying to eat food in the fridge I had to buy a baseball bat to keep them away from it because the food was for me.

The maids set down the food. I didn't know if we had to wait for Alessandro to start eating so I just waited for someone to eat. When everyone did start eating, I dug into the pasta eating it like it was the last meal of my life. I finished it and got up. "I finished I'm going to my room now." 

Everyone just stared at me like I was crazy. "What?" Alessandro glared at me. "Sit down now. That's not how dinner works." I gave him a 'bitch what?' look. "Wait well no one told me how dinner works. So how was I supposed to know in the first place??" He sighed. "Alright fair point. Let me tell you the rules. They are pretty simple and you should be stupid enough to not go against it."

"1: No dating.
  2: No drinking, smoking or doing any drugs of sorts.
  3:You are not allowed to go into the 3rd floor or basement.
  4: Respect our things and we'll respect yours.
  5: Do not go anywhere outside without telling Marcello, me or Marco.
  6: No cussing
  7: No rolling your eyes
  8: Always listen to your older brothers and me."

I laughed when he said the 2nd rule. What do I have a backpack with weed in it for anyways. "I can see your laughing, why?" He asked. I stopped laughing. "Sorry well mom never had these shitty rules. Like no cussing? Who actually has the right mind to listen to that?" I laughed even harder. By now my face was in my hoodie because I didn't want anyone to see my ugly ass laughing.

Once I calmed down I asked. "What about where I'm sleeping tonight?" Marcello spoke. "You'll sleep on the couch just for tonight while we figure out what happened to your bed."

When dinner was over Mateo gave me a blanket. I pretended to sleep but instead I went upstairs to get my guitar and amp. I plug it in and start doing random solos. I put it on the quietest mode so that no one would wake up. "Fuck!" This solo was messing my hands up and blood went over the guitar. I was trying to play some Steven Sanchez but these chords are messing with my mind. I ended up packing the guitar up and going to sleep.

OH I forgot to tell you my guitar model. It's a gibson Les Paul. I fell in love with the model because Slash inspired me to play it. Now it's time for me to dream!

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