Chapter 8 (First Day of School)

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Luciano POV

Dad came back with the boys and got Mcdonalds. Elio got me a get well card, Mateo and Marco got me a teddy bear and Marcello didn't get me anything but he paid for the McDonalds so that counts for something. Romeo ended up staying at home with his twin.

At the moment dad and Marcello were outside the room talking to each other, occasionally whispering and looking at me. Ugh I hate when men gossip. Well anyways the doctor said I can leave today. My foot just has a huge bandaid but it wasn't anything the doctor couldn't fix. Dad and Marcello walked back in and stood next to my bed.

"Hey dad? When does school start for me?" I asked. Btw it's October and I just started my freshman year of high school. After I asked him that he glanced up at me from his phone and replied, "You have to start in 2 weeks." I groaned. I don't want to go school and be made fun of again. Being trans makes you a target for the popular kids.

"Why'd you groan?" Mateo asked while he held my backpack. I got up from my bed and replied, " Be for real right now. Does any kid like school?" I actually like school because I didn't get to go home and see my mom passed out on our couch but a lot of the popular kids ruined school for me. Mateo nodded. "Ok that's valid. Should we go now?" I nodded my head. "Yup."

We walked to their car which was pretty huge. The only car my mom had was a cheap Toyota that kept breaking down more times than I could count. Memories were definitely made in that car. I could remember me and Lisa kissed in the- I'm getting off task.


2 weeks later

My bandaid came off my foot and my foot was as good as new. Dante was giving me the cold shoulder so I gave him the silent treatment. Today is my first day of school. Dad is sending me to public school because I basically understand how public school is and I told him I rather be in public school. Dante and Romeo go to a private school which is good for them I guess.

I dressed up in a black and white flannel with a Slipknot band tee and some black baggy jeans. I'm definitely gonna be called emo but it is what it is. I went down stairs with a not huge smile on my face.

Dad was flipping the eggs when he asked me, "Are you excited to start school?" I shook my head, "Ha! Hell no! School fucking sucks." He raised his eyebrow then proceeded to say, "Language Luciano, language." I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, for electives I chose music and art. I obviously have to do P.E."

"Art is cool but I never knew that you could draw. Music is...well you already know how to do that. P.E. Is well, a challenge." He said while putting the eggs on the plate, next to the bacon. I chuckled while grabbing my plate off of the counter and went to the table. "Hey uh, Where is everyone?"

Dad took off his apron and set it aside. "They already left for work and school. Dante and Romeo go to school earlier than you do. The other boys go to work after they drop the twins off." I nodded and laughed. "This is why I love public school. I can sleep later than they do." He rolled his eyes playfully.

I finished my food in time. I grabbed my backpack full of school supplies and told dad, "I'm gonna hurry and catch the bus. I'll see you after school!" I heard an ok and I left the house and went to the bus stop. I plugged in my wire headphones and started playing "Break" by Fugazi. There were at least ten kids at the bus stop most of them were talking to each other. Soon enough the bus came and I sat in the middle of the bus alone. I texted dad that I got on the bus.

He sent a text saying I love you and have a good day at school. I texted him same here man. I got to school and I looked for my locker. Once I found my locker I put all my stuff in and got my essentials out. I got to my first period and waited for the teacher to sit me down. She said I could sit in the empty seat at the back next to a punk kid. I nodded. First period was Algebra 1 and I was clearly behind because in school we didn't really have classes as organized as this.

My teacher Mrs. Parker started droning on about functions. This kid who was obviously into Punk rock passed a note to me. "I'm Elijah what's your name?" I wrote my name on the sticky note and passed it back to him. The bell rang before he could pass another note to me. We got up and talked about schedules. "I have most of the same classes with you." I nodded excitedly. "That's amazing! Do you know where English is?" He nodded and showed me where my classes are. We exchanged numbers. Just like that I made a new friend.

At lunch we sat in the back and talked about hanging out after school. "Ok so, I can ask my dad about hanging out later. Maybe you could show me the town a little?" I asked. He nodded with excitement. "Yeah sure. Usually I hang out at my mom's cafe and she lets me have snacks for free. It's called, 'Alternative LaMaria cafe', LaMaria is my mommy's name." I nodded. "Thats cool." Just after I said that, some boy with ice cream hair came up to me and said. "Hey I'm Liam wanna sit with me and my friends? It's better than that emo." He pointed to his group of friends who were laughing at my direction. I raised my eyebrow and laughed at him. "First of all get your music subcultures right, you dumbass. Second of all why would I want to sit with you? I don't even know you. Third your haircut is weird as hell."

He gasped, "Shut the fuck up you f*gs at least I have good friends." I took another glance at his 'friends', "Really? You're so mature for your age." I rolled my eyes as he walked back to his table. I turned back to Elijah. "Well, he's a bitch." He nodded excessively. "Yeah. He's also really racist. He and his friends had egged my mom's cafe just cause she's black."

I gasped. "Some people just need a fucking reality check honestly." Lunch was over in no time and I had to walk all the way to the other side of the building for P.E. Luckily Elijah's friend, Amaya, is in it. He said that she was into goth music and is a goth. I'm not really a goth fan but I listen to Horror Vacui religiously and I guess we can bond over that. Earlier I emailed my teacher from my school chromebook about my locker room situation and he emailed me back saying, 'Ok, you can just change in the nurse's office. Plus you might be late by like 5 minutes but that's fine as long it's to for more than 10 minutes.'

I was happy about that but I was worried that it would make me stand out. Then I remembered I already stood out with my scrawny body. Boys in this school looked really muscular and I think I should actually work out sometime. I didn't change for P.E because I figured since it was my first day, the teacher wouldn't mind.

I was in the gym when I saw Amaya. She came up to me and said, "Are you Luciano?" I nodded. "Yup. I'm pretty sure, you're Amaya?" She nodded. We spent P.E playing basketball. I'm not athletic and I missed a bunch of the shots. After P.E I went to the art hall where my music and art classes were. I had art and then music. In art I drew a cartoon picture of a goth. My drawing abilities are definitely from my mom.

I went to the music class, the last class of the day

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I went to the music class, the last class of the day. This definitely had to be my favorite class of the day. Oh boy I was wrong. I got this old ass grumpy teacher who didn't tolerate the students at all. Thankfully the bell rang and I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could. I gathered my stuff from my locker and texted my dad the school ended and I got on my bus that waited like 10 minutes for the kids to get on.

I plugged in my headphones and played 'In the Darkness You Will Feel Alright" by Horror Vacui. The bus started and I got off my stop and walked the 2 minutes to my house.

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