Chapter 22 (Plane Ride)

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Luciano's POV

We enter the jet and I feel all eyes on me. I put my hoodie up and hide my face from them. As soon as they looked away, I got up.

"Where are you going?" Alessandro asked. 

I quickly answered, "The bathroom"

He nodded and I swifty walked to the bathroom and just hit my cart. After a couple of minutes I decided to leave the bathroom.

I stumbled a little to my seat and of course one of my brothers noticed.

"Are you good?" Marco asked.

I nodded, "Yea I'm just dizzy. You got food?"

"There's chips but that's all." He passes me the chips and I open it.  "Are you high?"

I laughed and lied, "No bro not now. Why would you think that?"

"You fucking suck at lying Luci. We're not fucking dumb, your eyes are red and you look tired as fuck." Marcello pointed out.

I sighed, "So what if I am? What are you gonna do about it? I really don't care man."

"I don't argue with little kids." He replied.

I raised my eyebrow, "I don't argue with dumb whores who think they're the shit." I hit the cart in front of them.

"Bro really? We're in an airplane." Mateo said. "It's not even good for you."

I hummed. I put my hoodie back up because I wanted privacy. Like I can't even eat or do anything in fucking peace now. I groaned in boredom, "Fuck! when does this plane ride end?"

"In around an hour, take a nap or something." Alessandro suggested.

I groaned again, "I can't. This isn't indica."


I nodded, "Yup."

Mateo and Marcello were chatting together. Probably about work. 

                                                              Oh. My. God.

                                                    I. Forgot. About. That.

Ja'ki had told me earlier about Dad being in the mafia. Oh shit. Do I asked them? Or do I ignore them.

"What do you guys do for work?" I asked.

Alessandro's POV

My heart dropped as Luci asked that. I quickly answered, "We own multiple businesses."

"Really?" Luci pressed, "There's like no way you actually do. I'm not freaking dumb."

Everyone looked at each other. I could tell that Mateo was getting antsy.

"My friend told me everything that momma had told him. She ran out of your place and kidnapped me cuz you were in the mob?" Luci gasped.

I quickly answered, "NO! Ok well she knew but she left with you because of some other reason."

Luciano raised his eyebrow, "What other reason? Also that's some major bullshit that you're in the mob!"

Marcello sighed, "Should I tell him or do you want to tell him?"

"Oh jeez I guess I'll tell the story," I started to explain, "So basically I cheated on your mom. With– With her best friend at the time."

Luciano's POV

My jaw dropped, "No fucking way. There's no actual way you did that right?"

Alessandro looked down at his lap in shame.

"And you wonder why women don't like dating men, you whore." I hit my cart two times.

"Slow down." Marco said.

I glared at him and mumbled, "I don't really give a shit. This information is too much for me to handle."

Mateo looked at Alessandro, "Why would you cheat on her?"

"I was drunk..."

I laughed snarkily, "If you were drunk then you must have thought about it while sober. I mean, you don't see me up on other girls or boys while under the influence."

Marco glanced at me, "Boys?"

"I'm Bi." I replied, "Nevermind that, let's focus on how you're in the freaking mob?! 

Marcello scoffed, "Like what do you want to know?"

"Um hello?! Like a lot?" I answered quickly.

Alessandro looks and me and starts to explain, "So a lot of people on my side of our family know. My mother or as you know, your Nonna started it. Then she met my father or as you know, your Nonno. Then she had 3 sons, Me, your Uncle Tony, and your uncle Alberto. and I'm the eldest. They still are apart of it but they choose not to be a huge part of i–"

"So how many people in our intermediate family know?" I interrupted.

Marcello rolled his eyes, "Everyone. We've grown up knowing. I mean it was kinda obvious, I don't really know how you didn't notice until your friend told you."

"Oh ok. Well I guess that explains a lot. But what do you do? You sell yk? Drugs?" I asked a little weirded out.

Alessandro nods his head, "Yeah we do that. But we also don't do human trafficking unlike other mafias. We also own multiple businesses that are legal, I can assure you."

"Drugs killed my momma. And you know that." I looked at my hands.

He patted my shoulder, not knowing what to say. We all just sat in silence. Time flew by fast and the ride had 30 minutes left to go. I decided to sleep the last 30 minutes.

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