4. Askaladd

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After laying there in humiliation for a while, I finally decided that it was time we stopped wallowing in our sorrows. 

"Thorfinn, c'mon. No sense in lying here in defeat. We need to go find some food and regain some energy." I tried shaking him awake since he seemed unmotivated to move. He gave me a slow nod and lifted his body from the ground.

We both smelled an amazing aroma that could only belong to cooked meat. We followed the smell to where some of Askeladd's men were cooking some delicious meat. They were talking to us, but all I could do was stare at the food.

"Hey, look at the girl, she looks like she's about to steal our food with her eyes. Here ya go!" All of a sudden one of them threw a bone at our feet, with hardly any meat on it. All of a sudden I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I can't believe I stood there gawking at their food like an idiot.

"There's no sense in starving yourselves." One of them said, and the rest of them laughed. Thorfinn got angry and ran off. "Thorfinn!" I called after him but he kept running. I turned to the vikings with a glare and while they were still focusing on controlling their laughter, I reached down for the bone and aimed at one of their heads, hitting him. "We don't need your food!" I yelled before running in the same direction Thorfinn went. I heard the vikings yell behind me, "Hey! You little brat!" Although they sounded and were surly angry, they decided not to pursue me.

After searching for a little bit, I heard some coughing and ran to the sound only to find Thorfinn coughing something out of his mouth.

"I should've told you that you can't eat mushrooms like that," I said to him which made him turn his head. "What do you know?"

"Come on, I told you, remember? I've been surviving on my own for years now." I looked at him and he turned back facing the ground. "Yeah, you did. What are we gonna do Y/N? We're going to die at this rate!" Hearing the despair in his voice made me sad.

"Don't lose hope just yet Thorfinn." That was the only thing I could think of to say.

We tried to find some decent food, and I told Thorfinn that I could just find some bugs and cook them over the fire, but right before we could start, it began pouring. Welp, there goes that idea.

We went back to where those men were eating earlier and picked out bones with the most meat on them. Thorfinn picked at it quickly, but I just nibbled. This truly is pathetic. Thorfinn mumbled, "Damn...it", and began crying. In the end, I started crying a little too.

Later on in the night, we finally got a fire going. Again, Thorfinn was trying to swing the big sword around.

"Don't you think you should be practicing with your dagger?" I mean, it only made sense right?

"This helps me build strength. And I'm gonna need it if I'm going to fight him. I swear Y/n, I'm going to kill him. No matter what." He had an evil glint in his eyes. I didn't like where this was going.

"Thorfinn, it's okay to want to avenge your father, but don't forget, you still have some family waiting on you." I tried to remind him of what he should be focusing on. He's lucky if I'm being honest, at least compared to me. At least he has someone to go back too.

"Don't talk to me about my father! You wouldn't understand!" He yelled. It made me widen my eyes. The second he looked at me, I could see regret fill his eyes.

"Y/n I'm-"

"You're right. I wouldn't understand seeing my father killed right in front of me and wanting nothing more than to punish the man responsible. But some of us aren't o lucky, are we? So excuse me, Thorfinn, for wanting to care! Good night!" I turned around and laid on the ground, with my back facing him. I heard him continue his sword swinging after a few seconds. I understood Thorfinn's frustration, but I didn't feel like indulging in it tonight.

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒆𝒔 (Thorfinn x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now