14. Twilight

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It was chilly. The autumn air was being replaced by winter and fast. I tried to warm up as best I could, but with one dirty blanket and the clothes on my back it was difficult.

Me and Thorfinn were currently trying to get some sleep in a barn. We were stationed in a small village that we raided. The corpse of a man trying to protect his home lay a few feet away from the haystack I was currently occupying. It made me uneasy, causing me trouble trying to get to sleep. Eventually, I was able to drift off.

Sometime into the night, I heard mumbling and groaning, like someone was in pain. At first, I thought it was a part of my dream, however, as my consciousness slowly but surely came back to me, I realized it wasn't in my dream, but a person. That person being Thorfinn.

As I tried to wake myself up to go check on him where he lay on his own haystack, I heard a yell that startled me so much, I ended up sitting up very quickly. What I saw when I sat up was a disheveled Thorfinn sitting across from me with an outstretched arm. Almost like he was reaching out to someone. He had a terrified look on his face and even though he was staring in my direction, it didn't seem that I was the focal point if his gaze. When he finally realized I was looking at him his expression fell and he placed one of his hands to his face.

"Thorfinn, are you okay?" I asked in a hoarse voice. He looked up with his hand still to his face.

"I'm fine. Sorry if I woke you."

"No, no. You didn't wake me. I was having trouble sleeping anyway." He nodded at my answer. I looked at him a bit longer before saying, "Bad dream?" I already figured it was one, but I didn't want to completely assume.

"Yeah." He stated matter of factly. 

"Wanna talk about it? Seems like you need to get something off your chest. What was it about?" I probed him. Although I didn't want to upset him, the sooner he accepted what his dreams were trying to tell him, the better.

"None of your business. Go back to sleep." He began readjusting his covers.

"Was it about your father?" I said in a monotone voice. And by the way expression changed, I can safely assume I'm right.

"If you want to talk, I don't mind listening. In fact I-"

"I don't want to talk about it!" He said angrily while cutting me off. While simultaneously lying down, coving himself with his blanket aggressively. His outburst made me jump and I looked down sadly. After all of our heart-to-heart, he still refuses to confide in me. It's like I'm not even making a difference in the story. At this rate, it'll go exactly how it's supposed to go and I don't want that.

I heard some of the men outside start chuckling and I looked to the window above where me and Thorfinn lay. I guess the noise annoyed Thorfinn because he suddenly got up, grabbed his blanket, and walked off. He stopped right next to me though and looked down. Hesitantly, he held his hand out to me and said, "Come on."

I don't know why he suddenly wanted to bring me along, I guess he just didn't want to leave me by myself. Regardless, it made me really happy, causing me to break out into a wide grin. I grabbed his hand, and as he pulled me up, I made sure to keep a tight hold on my blanket as well, so it didn't fall into the hay. When I tried to look at his face, he just kept turning away from me, but no amount of turning could hide the slight tinge or red on his ears. It caused me to chuckle.

He started to walk off and as he did so, he tried to remove his hand from mine. However, instead of letting it fall out, I held on tighter causing Thorfinn to stop and look back at me. He gave me a confused look.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒆𝒔 (Thorfinn x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now