13. Thorkell

188 17 0

Aug, 1013 England

It's been nearly an entire year since Thorfinn had a duel with Askeladd. It's safe to say he's gotten better. A lot better. However, I don't know if he's gotten good enough to take him down. I've gotten better myself. In fact, I've found my calling with the spear. As long as it's fairly lightweight, I can swing it with no problem.

The summer air is already drifting away on the wind. I can feel the touch of the fall breeze right around the corner.

We were camped out off the coast of some rich town. Everyone was getting fired up at the tensions spreading through England. Word is, King Swain is making his way through the country and fast. Supposedly, Askeladd's considering joining his fight. For a fee of course. Although, if memory serves me right, in just a couple of months, we'll encounter Thorkell, Thorfinn's uncle. I can't seem to reach far enough in my memories to remember that much about him. Ugh, I wish I could just remember everything clearly, but it keeps coming in waves each time a major event is about to happen.

The brown tunic I was wearing made for the perfect outfit for the transition from summer to autumn. I was walking around the camp, looking for Thorfinn. I lost him while helping unload the ships and set up the tents.

I walked around one large tent and spotted him sitting by himself on a log, sharpening his knife. My mood instantly lightened and I made my way to where he was seated.

I plopped down beside him. I know he notices me, but he keeps focusing on his knife. It frustrated me a little bit, so I reached to grab his cheek. I pulled on it a little.

"Come on Thorfinn, talk to me! I know you know h-" He stopped me by suddenly grabbing my wrist, pulling the hand that was pinching him away. It wasn't hard, but it made me frown and I think he noticed because he sighed and spoke up.

"I'm trying to prepare. Something big is coming and I won't always be around to protect you. So you should prepare too." I looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting him to be so open.

"Don't worry Thorfinn. I haven't gotten seriously hurt since last year. Also, I've been practicing too. With the spear."

"The spear?" He gave me a puzzled look.

"Yes. The spear. Although, you'd know that if you talked to me like you used too." I turned away smugly. I heard him sigh before speaking up.

"I just have a bad feeling. I was hoping to have killed Askeladd by now, but another damn year has gone by. It feels like no matter what I do, I'm just stuck." I watch Thorfinn angrily sharpen his knife. My facial expression turned neutral as I lay a hand on top of Thorfinn's, stopping him from sharpening any further.

"Thorfinn, look at me." He kept looking at the ground, but after a while, he lifted his head and I saw the anguish I first saw on his face when he killed for the first time. It broke my heart.

"Listen. You may think you're weak, but you're not. How do you think I've survived this whole time? I promise it isn't skill, and it's definitely not luck. It's because you always come just in time to save me when I can't save myself. If you were incapable of that, I would've stopped following you a long time ago." I chuckled after the last statement. Then I saw realization strike Throfinn and his facial expression changed to that of an understanding one. He placed his hand on mine.

"We're meant to be together. To stick through this thing together. So I'm not going anywhere until you accomplish your goal." Which is to realize that you don't have any enemies. But I didn't say that part out loud.

I saw Thorfinn's ears turn a tinge of red and I realized what I just said.  We're meant to be together. Oh crap. I hope that didn't come out the wrong way. I say that, but why do I feel like it's not a bad thing if he takes it the wrong way?

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