Chapter 6: Punishments Are Unfair!

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I was suspended from fencing practice for two weeks and Kris got detention. These punishments did not make any sense! I didn't do anything and Kris was the victim. Ok Kris did break the rules so that's fair. The principal always finds any excuse to punish me. Can you blame him? As far as anyone is concerned, I'm not supposed to exist! When I got home I told mom what happened and she thought this was as messed up as I did. At the dinner table, my brother was even more of a jerk than ever after having gotten the single worst job in the city! That video store no one cares exists and shouldn't because no one has used dvds for 400 years! None of us could stop ourselves from laughing until he got angry and accidentally turned his plate to dust with his decay powers.

"Sorry, that was rude!" Mom apologized as we regained our composure.

"Careful, you almost destroyed the whole table." Dad said, trying his best not to sound mad.

I then got a call from Kris saying:

"My detention is over but I received more because I used my powers as soon as I was off the property (swear word!)!" Dang it school, why is every punishment so unreasonable! That is not an exaggeration. I went up to my room and just layed there for the rest of the night with a few brief calls from Oliver.

The next day we were all able to meet Chit at the lair. But we didn't get much done because everything that's happened in the last two days had us distracted. We were watching the next episode of Chain Blade when there was a news report saying:

"Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing but breaking news, an alien that looks very different from the attackers was seen attempting to destroy the Crayton Prison but luckily wasn't able to get in. Could this be a previously unknown version of the attackers, maybe even a more dangerous kind?"

"Chit, what did you do!?" Jade yelled.

"That wasn't me, I promise." Chit responded.

"How do we know that?" I asked.

"Can we just move on so we might find out if my vision was correct?" Oliver suggested.

"Fine!" Jade responded.

"Are we actually just gonna ignore this– never mind guess we are."

The following Thursday we saw Lain again.

"So you never told me how you know my brother, what was with that?" he asked. "Should we tell him?" Oliver whispered.

"He should know," I responded.

"You know I can hear you right," Lain said.

"Ok, when Shay was in fifth grade and we were in third we we were doing a little better than him at some obscure things and he thought that we thought that we were better than him and on the last day he was there he was so jealous he declared that the next time we saw him we are toast!" Oliver said.

"Oh, that explains why pretty much everything in his bedroom is smashed to pieces, by the way you might want to avoid the parking lot after school today." Lain responded.

"Why would we-(Pauses) oh he's gonna be there" Oliver said.

"Yeah" he answered.

"Well good thing the bus is on the other side of the building,'' Oliver said in that voice he uses when telling jokes. We all laughed for some reason, probably because of the way he said it.

We then got to know each other a bit.

"So what's your superpower?" Oliver asked.

"I probably shouldn't say, it's on the list of powers that are against the rules," Lain responded in a serious tone. I think I saw a girl in the background looking at him weird, wait was she blushing?

"So what's your favorite movie?" I asked.

"Solar galaxy conflict," Lain responded.

"You mean that sequel to a knock off of a rip off of a prequel to a rossian knock off of a reboot to a show that came out in the 1970s 544 years ago?" Oliver asked. Since when was everything Oliver said so funny? Looks like the acting classes he took last summer paid off. 

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