When Chains Are Released

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"Tell me."

I looked up, my lips in a snarl as I glared at him. One of his rouges cuffed my hands, then dragged me by my hair (which is quite long now) up to Roberts office. I was beyond pissed.

"For the last fucking time; no." I snarled. His jaw clenched noticeably as he stared at me. Slowly, he dropped his hands and sighed.

"Why not?" He looked tired. His eyes were droopy and it didn't look as though he were trying.

"It's not something for me to tell. I don't care if you are her brother. I will respect my mates privacy." Although I had technically told him, it didn't look like he wanted to believe it. I didn't feel bad though. He had to be hinted somehow, being blind to such an oblivious thing.

"You can't just bring it up and not tell me." He growled, slamming his fist onto the table.

I shrugged, "It seems I just did."

There was a long pause.

"Your best option is to leave her with me. She will be Luna to my pack. If it makes you feel better, I'll even allow you join my pack." As an Omega.

He laughed, "You have good humour. I want to rule this pack, not be under anyone's command."

"I'm not breaking."

"Neither am I."

We stared at each other again, my eyes narrowing every time his own did. When it became too much, I sighed and looked away.

"Why don't you just ask her yourself?" I suggested. They looked as though they were quite close so why not?

He sighed also and turned around to look outside the window. He crossed his arms over his chest and I began to think he wouldn't reply but he eventually did.

"I can't," he whispered. "It would be too awkward."

"Awkward? You're not going to bother asking her about it because you're afraid it would be too awkward?" I growled, my jaw clenching.

"That's not it!" He yelled, turning around to glare at me. "First; I don't even know what she's scared of here. You won't even give me a hint to what it could be. Second; I don't know how long she has been scared for. I hate to admit it but I never noticed it until you told me."

"If you love your sister, you'll talk to her as soon as you can." My voice was low, hoping to persuade him enough to talk to her. He continued to stare at me for a while before he finally sighed and called a rouge to take me away.


The doctor and different nurses were in and out of Roses room all day. Mike and Drake could do nothing but sit and wait for them to get permission to see her.

Drakes banishment had been long forgotten since Mike had realised that she probably only woke up because Drake was there. It was hard for Mike to sit next to him but he lived through it.

"Sir, it's time for your check up." Mike looked up at the nurse who stood in front of him with a frown. He looked away and ran a hand through his hair.

"Can't it wait?" He asked.

"I'm sorry but I've already pushed it a few hours."

"Fine." He stood up and turned to look at Drake. "Call me as soon as we get the go." He said. Drake nodded with a smile which was not returned.


"It had finally healed." The nurse stated happily, writing something on her clipboard. Mikes eyes went wide and he looked at the nurse, a smile playing on his lips.

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