Finally Free

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The satisfaction I felt as my fist continued to slam into each of their faces is indescribable. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, urging me to keep going; to keep hitting each of them with all my power. 

They were weak, so much weaker than myself and I mentally laughed at them for being so cocky when I was behind bars and locked up. 

I moved to the tallest one, kicking him in the stomach before punching him down to the ground as he bent down in pain. The short one, the main villain, lay on the ground. He held his stomach in pain as his body curled into a ball. He was crying as he whispered apologies. 

Robert stood by his feet, his arms crossed as he watched one of his followers crying on the ground. 

I left the tall one and moved to stand beside Robert. This will probably be the only time we will ever be on the same side. I didn't feel the need to hurt Robert. My main anger was aimed at the four rouges who dared to harm my mate.

"What now?" I asked, glancing at him. 

"What now, Glen?" Robert asked, kicking the shorts guys foot lightly. Glen slowly got up, his body trembling with every move. He was on his hands and knees, his head hung. 

"I'm sorry," he said, getting up so he was sitting on his knees and looking up at us. "I'm so sorry." 

I watched as Robert bent down so he was eye level with Glen. 

"I want you out of my sight," he whispered, grabbing his collar. "If I see you anywhere near any of my followers, especially my sister, I will not guarantee your life." He released him as he pushed him back and stood up.

"What about the others?" I asked, nodding my head behind us where the other three fools lay.

"They were bystanders. They have the same fate as him." Robert growled, nodding his head to Glen. "Get up and go. Now!" 

As if they were never injured, the four men quickly got up and ran. I chuckled to myself. I hope I see them again and my wolf is awake. I'll give him full control and tell him what they did to his mate.

"You're quite strong." Robert commented, turning to face me. I shrugged, knowing exactly where my strength came from.

"If my wolf was here then they would all be dead." 

"Merciful too, I see?" He smirked as he crossed his arms.

"Hey, we're werewolves. We still have a human side." I also believe that fate will give them something worse than death. What goes around comes back around.

He stared at me as silence overcame us. I stared back of course, it felt like a challenge and I was not going to back down. He finally sighed and looked away.

"You should go see her. She's probably still upset."

I raised an eyebrow, "What happened to that threat?" 

He shrugged, "My sister needs you. That's more important to me right now. I'll show you the way." He started walking ahead of me. Surprised by his offer but not wanting to regret it, I hurriedly followed.


"This brings back memories." Mike sighed, taking his first step out of the hospital. The wind hit his skin like ice water and he smiled, loving the forgotten feeling.

"Are we going?" Jet asked, stepping beside him. Mike turned to face his friend, his smile not dropping. 

"Yes, of course. But I'll run in human first as my wolf gets ready." 

The two Betas began walking down the stairs and Jay waited for them at the bottom.

"You guys are so slow, oh lord." He grumbled, tapping his foot impatiently.  

The soil wrapped around Mikes bare feet, blocking out all of his senses. He ignored the twins as they argued and focused on the feeling of all the particles in the soil. His toes curled in, grabbing chunks of soil in between them. 

Without warning, he ran; sprinting his way across the hospital car park and into the forest.

The twins quickly ran after him, shifting as soon as they passed the boarder. They caught up to him fast and ran beside him, smiling at each other as they watched Mike in his peaceful state.

The wind hit his face and pushed his hair back, dancing along his skin as he went. He looked up as a group of birds flew passed him, chirping as if they too were happy for his release. 

He spotted a log not too far from him and he prepared his body to drop. Increasing his speed, he lifted his body into the air, shifting into his wolf mid air and landing on all four paw on the other side of the law. 

His wolf shook his body and stretched it's paws. Lifting his head back, he released a howl and dragged it out as much as he could. He was off as soon as he finished.


Rose looked up just as he walked into the room, the grin not leaving his face.

"How was it?" She asked, a smiling replacing her frown.

"I can't describe it." Mike stated, sitting down in the chair. He sighed in comfort as he closed his eyes and hung his head to the back.

"Well you look happier." Drake commented from the other side of Roses bed. "I think you'll be okay to help with the rescue team now."

Mike looked up at this. 

"What did Alpha David say?" 

Drake shrugged, "Nothing really. Just not to force you into doing anything." 

"When's the next meeting? I'm joining asap." He glanced at Rose to see her frowning as she looked down.

"I'm not sure," Drake said, standing up from his seat. "I should probably go back to patrol but I'll find out and tell you as soon as I can." He leant down and placed a kiss on Roses forehead. "I'll be outside. Holla if you need me." He left the room.

Mike watched Rose as she closed her eyes, savouring the feel of her mate near before he left. 

"You two seem to be getting along again." He commented. She opened her eyes and looked at her Beta.

"It's just like old times. It's as though he never left." She whispered. 

"That's good." He smiled, appreciating how happy everyone was at this moment. "You should get some rest." He stood up as she nodded.

"Stay out of trouble." She yawned, sinking into the bed and wrapping herself up in the blankets.

"Oh, I'll try."


It's extremely small, so sorry!




Thanks! Immybill (: xoxo

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