In The Hospital

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I groggily opened my eyes, wincing as the pain hit my head. I groaned and plastered my hand over the place it was hurting most. I heard whispers in the room and then footsteps walking away from me.

Once my eyes were fully open, I looked around the room and widened my eyes. It was a room from my pack house. I looked around the family room and even noted how I was nicely tucked under a blanket on the bed.

I was shirtless, surprisingly, but I still had my jeans and socks on. I saw my shoes neatly placed by the door.

I snapped my head to the side when I heard someone clear their voice. Surprisingly, it was a female and she was beautiful.

Dirty blonde hair tied in a neat bun with loose strands coming out. Dark brown eyes, reminding me of chocolate. Pink full lips and the most fairest skin I've seen. A body that was fit but not too muscular.

"Mate," I whispered, watching as her cheeks changed to a tint of pink.

I couldn't believe this. The fates have decided to give me a second chance mate! I could feel so many emotions running through me. Love, happiness, anger and embarrassment.

She nodded, "Skylar." Her voice was so soft and I wondered if it were the first time she had spoken.

I sat up and leaned my back against the wall. It reminded me of the situation, making me growl. I stood up and walked over to her. She held my shirt out. I grabbed it and threw it on before watching her stand up.

"What are you doing here? Are you a prisoner too?" It all came out as a growl but she shook her head.

She opened her mouth, about to say something but shut it when the door opened. In walked a man, around my age. He growled when he saw me, making me growl back.

"Sky, come here." He said it sternly, making my mate nod and walk slowly towards him. She better not be his play toy or even his girlfriend! If she is, I swear I will rip his balls off.

I growled, watching as he threw his arm over her shoulder protectively. I swear to you, I was going to run there and rip his arm off but the look my mate gave me made me re-think my actions. Her eyes were pleading, a frown on her perfect lips.

"I've done as you've requested brother," She spoke, turning her head to smile at the man. My lips parted and I let out a relieved sigh. He's just her brother! Thank the lord! And from their actions, it looks like he treats her right.

Maybe I shouldn't have assumed things so fast.

He looked down at her and smiled, "Thanks sis. You can go now," He took his arm off of her but not before kissing her temple. She nodded and with one last glance at me, she left the room.

My wolf howled, not wanting to loose his second mate but I held him in. Something told me that this guy didn't know we were mates. And i had a feeling Sky didn't want him to know.

"Who are you?" I growled, glaring at the fool.

"Me? I'm me." He teased, giving me a smirk.

"What's your name!?"

His smirk dropped and his face turned all serious, "That doesn't matter to you, at least not at this time. Wear your shoes, i will have some boys come and bring you to me." With that said, he turned around left the room but not before closing the door.

With my fast thinking, i loosely tied the laces up to my combat boots and went to the window. I knew we didn't coat any of other window with silver which was a good thing now. It did come in handy.

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